
Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!

Rooted phone = cheating?

what would we do without our oracles and sages, who tell us what matters in our life and what doesn’t. you give meaning to the meaningless

Everything I’ve read advocates for supplementing dogs diets with vegetables. It’s not as though they’re eating whole animals in our care, with all the brain and bone marrow and organs. We don’t feed them as true carnivores. And they’re very adaptable. Not to mention, I’ve never met a dog that didn’t love an occasional

Agreed, but knowing this list is helpful when food gets dropped during preperation. Should I dive down and stop my pooch from getting close? Or is it something he can actually enjoy (carrots, a tiny bit of cheese, etc)?

Just some quick thoughts:

People don’t take medicine for things that don’t affect them. You obviously shouldn’t overuse medications, but saying that taking headache medicine doesn’t cure what’s causing a headache kind of misses the point. Many causes of minor headaches will go away in time, but the pain can still affect your ability to do your

Isn’t a pattern just a pin that you swipe to each number instead of press each number? I would disagree and say that it’s less secure for these reasons:

My phone is a OnePlus One and by default I have a passcode set, but I also have it set to automatically off when it connects to my home network or to my car’s bluetooth. I find that to be convenient since most of the time I’m alone is during those times I’m home and in my car.

They did believe her. Which was a problem when basic facts wouldn't have checked out if they did a modicum of investigating — like the fact that UVa holds fraternity rush in the spring, not in the fall. Like the fact that there was no party at Phi Psi on the date that Jackie claimed to be raped. Like the fact that

This would be fantastic if they used the reported percentages to scale median income for each job. Actually, if they made a scatterplot, with the axes as median income and the reported percentages, it would allow for some interesting exploration of trends.

Yes. Faith is "trust despite evidence to the contrary." Trust that a God for whom no evidence exists, exists. Trust that things that look like they're not going to work out, will. Or, as the Bible says, "the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." Not literally unable to be seen by the eye, of

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

umm no mention of Twilight? Just reducing brighness alone is not enough. Twilight does the job for melatonin interference.

Given that Red Bull can do potentially dangerous things to the body, I think I'll take the cheque...and then buy ten bucks' worth of Rockstar.

Everyone, no matter how intelligent or intellectually capable, is subject to being scammed, and being fooled. Forgetting that leaves one wide open to it.

I got my hopes up at "...Desktop Manager for Android and iOS Devices", only to have them crushed when I found that this is, in fact, a device manager for desktop. :<

Just look at that bread. Think about a sandwich made with that rather than store brand white bread (or even name-brand white bread). A loaf of the bakery section bread is going to cost you all of $1-2 more than the stuff in the printed plastic bags.

It doesn't really matter what brand of toilet paper you upgrade to because pretty much everything is better than the cheap stuff. Unless you're a fan of wiping up with thin sheets of printer paper, splurge a little on a decent roll of toilet paper and you'll live a happier life.

Why? I mean, not saying you shouldn't have that reaction, necessarily; you just don't make it clear why you had it. Is that your name?