You'd block any unrecognised numbers? Do you have every hospital in town's number in your phone? Your bank? power company, etc?
You'd block any unrecognised numbers? Do you have every hospital in town's number in your phone? Your bank? power company, etc?
That's the great thing about pizzas, they make better leftovers than almost any other food. Simple to store, easy to reheat or just eat cold, and still taste pretty damn good the next day.
For some reason the yanks love their 95% fat bacon. I've live in the USA for three years, and I don't get it. It's like they have Stockholm syndrome or something.
That could be nice. I hate the jerk holes who come to work sick because they want to slog it through, then get a bunch of other people sick as a result.
This is a horrible policy, and I hate it. It makes missing a day of work cost more than lost wages, it increases wait times to people who actually need it, (if you are outside of the USA) it puts a completely unnecessary burden on the healthcare fund.
Agreed, all it does it increase the wait time for people who may have a legitimate need to see a GP, and also you risk exposing other people in the waiting room to whatever you have.
I'm not sure if this applies in your instance. But the majority of people I talk to will not differentiate between the common cold and influenza. So a lot of people will get the flu vaccine, then get sick from an unrelated virus, and think that the vaccine was supposed to work on that.
I was in Indonesia once and got a full body massage at the hotel. It ready was full body. Not happy ending or anything, but everywhere. Hands up to the top of the thighs where my scrote meets my body. Unsurprisingly I got a semi- at one point. And the woman giggled and said in second language English "your fragile…
Craigslist missed connections?
I should have specified. It looks like Cerberus for Android is a completely different app.
I had a similar thing with my ex. It was the only position she could come. In fact I was instructed to not trim my pubes because the rubbing of them on her clitoris actually played a role.
Cerberus. Great app.
I use Cerberus on android. If someone gets my lockscreen code wrong, it snaps a picture of their face and emails it to me.
I read the comma to denote, like a list that "comcast allegedly hacked and changed your password now"
Even that strategy though is 'soft', it's not as if the human brain has a set loading time you have to wait when switching between subjects, if someone is quick on their feet and knows the answers, this strategy wont be very effective.
I use a safety razor now, and I love it. The closest shaves of my life were with a wacky gilette 5 blade thing attached to an electric razor that vibrated. And that was the problem, I don't want a close shave, I don't want it so close that my hair has to grow back from under the skin. So I'm happy with my double edged…
They may get the idea that when they grow up, they will be able to choose the food they eat all the time.
I'm not sure what the options are in estonia. But in the US at least, there are two major types of peanut butter. there is the regular, fairly cheap kind, it is fairly thick and consistent, maybe comparable to nutella. Then there is the "natural" kind. Which when you first open it, you have to stir a top layer of oil…
Steamed veggies are nice, have you ever eaten a raw piece of broccoli though?
maybe the raw carrots I have had were bland... But celery is in the chart as well. Poor kids.