
I had a similar thought. Most of those things aren't bad in a sandwich, like subway, etc. Where you have a lot of other flavours. Or to a lesser extent, a salad with a dressing. But giving them sticks of raw veggies sounds like it would end up straight up in the bin.

I could never eat veggies as a kid, super fussy. I eat them now though. But do kids really like raw veggies? Raw carrots for example seems to be something you really have to have your heart set on to eat a bunch of them. They are nearly tasteless, they are hard as hell, there seems to be a massive effort for little to

I don't know why anyone would expect better from a subsidiary of Gawker Media. Which is essentially an online British style tabloid for online consumption.

You can use any of your other accounts instead.

Argument from authority. lulz, Jenny's credentials are exactly what you were attacking in the first place.

The facebook tagline for this was:
"Dopamine is known as the "pleasure chemical" - but new studies show its true purpose may be to motivate us."

An important thing to note: Almond milk has almost no protein in it.

Poor Kiwis, they never hurt anyone.

I respect your ability to admit you were wrong. It's not something you see that often on the internet these days.

Looks like they are asking for legal fees from this too.

Charcoal seems to absorb butter really well.

Well... never mind then.

It does however look like if you are a guy trying to get an entry level job, you are SOL.

It quite often seems that things that are wired one way to some extent work the other way too. I have read that if you were to pull a scared face, even just purposefully, you will become more alert.

Regarding cooking, there seems to be positives and negatives, with the positives outweighing the negative by a margin.

Phones are getting larger because screens technology is getting better. And the devices themselves are becoming more capable. It's a waste to put a 1080p screen on a 3.5 inch screen, it's also a waste to put a high end quad core if it isn't going to be moving that many pixels. Aside from other size constraints.

Sadly the patriarchy is responsible for earbuds falling out of my ears too.

Yeah, but this is something many people can do that they aren't already doing. Jokes aside, the brain an energy hungry machine all the time.

I would be one of those 96% of people who wouldn't take my wife's name. But I'm also in the group that didn't ask her to take mine either.