maya ivanova

Ohhh, keep going, keep showing what a shitstain you are. The more you embarrass yourself, the more you prove me right.

I have no interest in your argument, which is idiotic, and now I learn it's even more idiotic considering you don't know squat about the source material you're so vehemently defending out of bigotry. One can indeed meet all sorts of trash on kinja.

I was referring to the fact that his books are absolutely overflowing with the rape of women and he calls that "realism". Anyone who does proper historical research would be very well-aware that male on male rape happened A LOT as well, especially in a battlefield situation. It happens to this day. If he wanted to be

Since when did rape and torture become socially acceptable softcore porn?

Oh, please, you sound like a Twilight fan.

The question is, why aren't you? Every woman with an ounce of self-respect and respect for other women should be.

Actually if you knew anything about history you would've been very well-aware that in the majority of the cases arranged marriages did NOT mean child sex. *GASP* *SHOCK* Medieval people weren't idiots - they were aware that sex and pregnancy at such an age was physically harmful, at the very least, for the girl.

I hate...nah, I am ambivalent to breaking it to you, but if you think (lol you and thinking bahahaha) this is nothing, then you were dumb as rocks long before you read my comment. Whatever, mouthbreather, you're exactly the kind of trash who made this fucker rich. I have no interest in you.

I have read the first book and I watched about half of the pilot before I felt too nauseated to continue.

Dani is a raging White Saviour. And I called him misogynistic, not sexist. Pay attention.

I don't know, I never got past the first book, it was way too tacky for my taste to begin with. That said, he's still the guy who felt the need to write a sex - I mean RAPE scene - involving a child and describe it in the most lurid way possible. No amount of ~character development~ can compensate for that.

If you think his blatant bigotry out of which he makes a forture is "nothing" you need to go fuck yourself and then launch yourself into the fucking sun.

I despise this slob and his scribbles with the power of a thousand exploding suns. As much as he has a way with language - I'm enough of a grown up to admit that - he's nothing but a shock jock of a "writer" pandering to the lowest common denominator because it made him rich.

As much as I am a fan of brutal honesty, I think saying this shit to co-workers is a really, REALLY dumb thing to do.

...You really know very little about kids, do you? Do everyone a favor, educate yourself before you spawn.

That mother deserves a break, the kid deserves to subsist on bread and water for a full week and the adult who bought the pies deserves a punch in the teeth.

"...leader of the free world..." and that's when I lost interest in the article. Grow up, Jezebel.

Just because someone's been brainwashed into conforming doesn't mean they're not oppressed.

Get out of here with your logic, common sense and education! Just beat them black and blue and reap the immediate results! /sarcasm, in case anyone wishes to take the above sentences at face value.

People making a public spectacle out of disciplining their kids are fucking embarrassing. You're just as immature and obnoxious as your spawn, no wonder they need discipline. Too bad you're old to be disciplined yourself, UGH.