maya ivanova

Reading comprehension, take lessons.

She's not criticizing free speech - she's criticizing people's right to express themselves. You can criticize free speech by criticizing what was said, not tell them not to say it altogether. These are two very different things. And speaking of responsible free speech - every other nobody on social media spouts off

Okay, Kara, I know this might be a little hard for you to grasp, because you don't come off as particularly bright, but here's the thing: celebrities are people like every other nobody on social media and just like them, they can, and will express their opinions on any and all topics they deem fit. Those opinions can

Oh, you're one of THOSE. That explains everything. I can't believe I wasted the time and energy responding to you. Ugh, I feel like I need a shower now.

I'd rather give them a bad name - and that's debatable - than actively aid the patriarchy like you would. Anyone claiming to be a feminist and then turning around and calling other women "bitches" for any kind of reason is nothing but a raging hypocrite. Then again, considering the kind of "feminism" you're defending,

Of course she does. It's right Rape Rape's alley.

LMAO calling women bitches because they're opinionated and you expect to be taken seriously. OH NOES, YOU HATE MY ATTITUDE! AND ME! WHAT A TRAGEDY! Move along, dear, your hypocrisy is boring.

Who gives a fuck about how an individual woman feels, you fucking moron? The point is to empower ALL women. Individuals feelings are irrevelant.

You keep parroting that bullshit while doing absolutely nothing different than what women have had to do for millenia on end under the guise of it being your "choice". It's so hard, so edgy, so ~empowering~ to stay exactly where your foremothers have been. They've been treated and presented as nothing but meat and you

If you need proof all you need to do is look around see how the media and pop culture treats women. If that's not enough for you, then you're a raging idiot and there's nothing that can be done to help you.

Like I give a fuck about this transphobic, misogynistic shitstain. Yoffe is scum and her column is worthless. Debbie shows such poor taste in plagiarizing her.

LMAO it's so cute that you believe that she owns her body instead of her male handlers and label bosses. HAHAHAHA.

LMAO it starts like the trailer for a slasher movie. It's perfectly fitting, Grey is a psycho abuser, too bad they won't actually go for that angle.

Articles about her are perfect for this site. Such an awesome, perfect, honest feminist!

Quasi-feminism is what Jezebel specializes in. Why are you surprised? scandalous, according to you? Tenth century called, they want you back.

Because your single opinion matters in the face of hundreds of others AND the original tone and intent of the article itself.

Jezebel regularly regales us with articles about the empowering effect of pornography - the type of pornography that is paid for and made by men for men, violent and exploitative of women, but when the porn is WRITTEN by women for women and only features men then it's weird and funny and only worthy of being made fun

Oh, noes, womminz with weird and ~deviant~ sexual fantasies, let's point and laugh! They should only ever imagine getting fucked missionary style in the dark! Or at best, being somebody's well-whipped submissive!

They don't harm me in any way, nor do they harm anyone else. I don't see why should my head asplode.