maya ivanova

Is it all drugs you object to employers including in their insurance plan (because I hope you are knowledgeable enough to know that most employees CONTRIBUTE to their insurance.) Or is it just the slutty slut pills? Again, I ask you, TROLL, you do know that oral contraception benefits more medical problems than just

I had the kind of mom who should not have had access to an app like this one. I'm feeling queasy, and I'm grown and my mom is deceased. Not everyone's mom is a good mom.

What's your end game here? Why are you arguing on this post? I'm not in the mood for a contrarian right now. You're conveniently switching back and forth between Sally being on maternity leave and leaving work early every single day, forcing your poor ass to stay late at work. I'm not interested in further engagement

Huge B5 fan here, and the idea of a reboot interests me. It will be interesting to see the redesigning of certain races and costumes (e.g. what they did for Star Trek). While the series stands as one of my all-time favorites—and one of the best-written shows I've ever watched (genre/non-genre)—the themes and the

Dude, I am like, cackling with glee over here. Let the little shits rot in prison, because they deserve it, and let this be an example for other sentences to come.

It's cute how people who don't consume the flesh and secretions of tortured animals on a daily basis think they're actually winning conversions by being arrogant, self-aggrandizing assholes who are generally insufferable and completely intolerable. You're not fooling me, losers.

To all those saying if you don't punish your kids they will walk all over you and everyone will hate them from extension.

That's hugely judgemental. It's not always about ableism, not all of us have families we can rely on to take care of Down Syndrome adult children after we die. Not all Down Syndrome adults are high functioning enough to be own their own, and as a parent, that seems terrifying - what will happen to them when I'm not

I don't need to read or write a thesis on the issue to know that killing children is wrong and so is an illegal occupation.

It's kind of amazing that we all agree it's "controversial" to express an opinion on a conflict which has 1000 dead on one side and a couple on the other. With the latter doing the killing. Moral clarity — it comes retrospectively. While the butchery is going on, it's just controversial.

Here's a bonus tale of billboard vandalism. I've told this story before on Kitchenette but this time I have a picture, which is worth a thousand words.

You're so progressive! They're practically the same thing!

Nothing more classier when a woman decides to degrade herself. Way to go Nicki!!!

During Highschool, I was obsessed with Electromagnetic Linear Accelerator Weapons (railguns, coilguns etc;). I taught myself circuit theory, went dumpster diving for all sorts of high energy coils and capacitors, and eventually assembled quite the arsenal of handmade/handwound EM coil magnet shooters.

"Some" legitimacy? You know, when women talk about their lives, for you to magnanimously deign to grant them "some" legitimacy——-over shit you will NEVER experience———just takes the cake. Womens' feelings are the gold standard here. You're mansplaining.

When I hear a mouth breather saying that we should never believe women who cry rape I usually warn any female friends, family and associates about the guy. Anyone who makes excuses for rape is either a rapist themselves or a rapist just waiting for an opportunity.

Stargate: SG-1

After reading the horrible comments questioning the existence of certified service dogs, I was appalled at people's indifference to those with disabilities. Then I thought about if for a moment and became less surprised - if this girl had a physical disability, there would be only positive comments for her. But she

Seriously though, if you can't handle that simple task, you've undoubtedly got much more serious issues in your life than salmonella.