maya ivanova

We can always go back to fetishizing ankles...

...That oil really grosses me out, it looks less like oil and more like slime.

One can't disregard threats to one's family in such a situation, you intellecutally masturbating dumbfuck.

Actually they hacked iCloud, which IS a huge security breach.

I don't see the problem? It looks like an excellently tailored summer suit to me. And he looks quite dashing in it.

If pizzas can be vegetables and corporations - people, why can't beagles be very large cats, American writers of Jezebel?

Her cognitive dissonance is both staggering and hilarious.

Actually that analogy would be correct if two drunk drivers hit each other. The drunk driver would still be guilty if he hit the pedestrian, in case the pedestrian was following traffic laws. To clarify - it's legal (usually) to be a drunk pedestrian, but not to be a drunk driver.

*citation needed. Do link us to a reliable source for these "statistics" of yours.

Dumbass, how about we educate people who end up being jurors NOT to think like that rather than blame the victim? Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?

Telling and deliberately humiliating are two entirely different things, dumbass.

That ending still makes me tear up, I can't deal.

Fuckers who propose to their significant others in front of an audience pressuring them to accept so as not to embarrass them should remain forever alone. Also, this particular fucker should be fired.

Unconditional? Positive? That seems more like deliberate attempt (and probably success) at further humiliation. Why not bake this piece of crap for her own spawn.

Frankly, anyone who begins an argument about anything with "back in my day..." needs to be harshly reminded that it isn't their day any more.

Well, congrats on creating the abuser's wet dream, I suppose.

I feel for his wife and even more so for his children - one can only imagine what kind of horrific garbage he's spouting at them about their mom.

Someone who doesn't know squat about history but stubbornly and repeatedly cites wrong information to defend sexual assault of children is more than suspect. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're not a predator - but then again we've already established you're ignorant, so I am not surprised you'd make such

Oh for goodness' sake, learn some actual history about how and when a marriage was consummated. You're embarrassing. I'm also starting to suspect you might be a potential or a realized pedophile too.

Just because you're part of the lowest common denominator these books pander to doesn't make you right, it just makes you one of the brainwashed sheeple.