maya ivanova

Who the fuck cares about realistic representation of biology and animal behaviour in fucking fanfic, for crying out loud?!

All participants are human, or worst, werewolves. There's no bestiality. I'm assuming actual furries will make your head asplode.

Jezebel are only ever pro-BDSM when it comes to female subs. Everything else makes them feel so uncomfortable.

It's always so cringe-worthy when outside people try to understand fandom. So much second-hand embarrassment going on.

Oh, get a hold of yourself. This world sucks, but it won't stop sucking any time soon if we were all like you and just rolled over and admitted defeat.

Would it still taste good if there's so much different stuff in it tho?

Ableism is bigotry, troll. And I have no tolerance for trolls. On a second though, switch the broken glass to rusty nails.

Yes, it is a pretty big deal. Scroll up and read the posts of the ignorant trolls above. People like you are partially responsible for their idiocy.

What you think is irrelevant.

I highly doubt momo's suffering from anything other than a bad case sociopathy and trollishness.

Just because you think they are doesn't mean that they're actually limited to this in reality. Your wishful, ignorant, bigoted thinking does not make it so. You've been given multiple links to educate yourself but you refuse to do so and keep spouting the same trollish bullshit. You're being deliberately obtuse and

Only people who know they cannot make an point to win an argument mention the Nazis.

The only thing that ever bothered me in unisex bathrooms was the urinals just being out there in the open without any sort of wall between them or in front of them ensuring privacy. People just standing in the open and pissing is gross. I don't wanna see it, thank you very much.

No, you raging dumbass, pedophilia is considered unacceptable, monstrous and criminal because it is rape by default and as such actively harms, physically and psychologically, its victims. Rape is not love. You sound like a pedophile yourself.

Incest between adults is not necessarily consensual. There are always power dynamics within the family that preclude proper consent being given. You can compare it to a sexual relationship between teachers and their adult students - those are still treated as abuse of power and often prosecuted as felonies.

As far as I am concerned, anyone making comments of that sort is a potential or a realized rapist. They either don't understand what consent is or just don't give a fuck. The latter is far more likely. Either way, such people are a threat and should be investigated accordingly.

I have no sympathy. That is a no place for a 4 month old baby. Dumbass "mother" is just looking for excuse and cheapens the struggle of women who are truly discriminated because they breastfed their kids.


*yawn* Call me when they use a woman with that body type for a cover.

Because, sugar, you need to prove something is a fact and the way to do it is to show where your data comes from. Data=!fact.