Lou Gehrig's Other Disease

While a particularly breathtaking scene in The Last Jedi hinted towards Leia’s ability to invoke The Force, The Rise Of Skywalker would have equipped her with a lightsaber and shown the full scope of her abilities.“People used to say to me, ‘Why is it that Carrie never gets a lightsaber and chops up some bad guys,’”

So, has to be line of sight, nothing blocking like say a screen which would diffuse the laser? or maybe blinds, curtains, plants, trees?

Quit yelling at clouds, grandpa.

And those kids are the future of the industry, so Fortnite deserves its place. Fortnite is to the 14 year olds of today what Golden Eye was to 14 year olds in my younger days. 

Best was a real person.

I know a guy that recently got a smart lock for his house. He was against it at first because he worried about hackers unlocking the door. He thought about it and realized the house has giant windows in the front. If someone wanted to get in, smart lock or not, the path of least resistance is shattering the window. 

Anyone who goes to the effort of using lasers to communicate with one of the smart speakers in my house has earned the right to adjust my thermostat or turn my lights off. I salute you, laser hacker!

You know, I’m starting to think that Donald Trump might not be a very good President.

Years ago, I had a choice between buying this or Krist Novoselic’s pink pants. *camera pans down to reveal me wearing said pants* I stand by my decision.

She knew for 2 years at the very least. She is doing this now because it is safe. She could have easily resigned 2 years ago. She’s a hypocrite and a coward.

““If you’re in a sociological mood, you could say that the influx of tourists serves as a reminder of how self-reinforcing cycles of low crime and gentrification, as well as a certain internet-enabled frictionless-ness (the stairs have been tagged on Google Maps) have combined to break down notions of which urban

I think Bibbs had my favorite reaction

These autoplay videos on every single page really suck, AV Club. 

I’m less worried about the title and more concerned with how close he’s holding that caramel apple to his fleece. 

In the distant future when the Oscars do their In Memoriam section can the just run this clip with Paul Rudd's name for him.

I think it’s a little ceramic cup you make creme brulee in.

Eh, we’ve double downed on everything else from E4-6, so why not have Anakin kill the emperor again. Sure.

Kate Hudson’s commitment to that sketch was heroic. She sang the shit out of those lines, for real.

Wait, wait. This implies the sketches that do get accepted made the table-read laugh. I find this hard to believe. 

Crikey!, I’m 30