Lou Gehrig's Other Disease

Jennifer Garner is insanely charming in that movie. It’s a real performance, not just a little joke, you know what I mean?

yea but thats politics, this is real life.

Only if the cat isn't neutered. 

Most of these people wouldn’t even know a volshtein if they saw it.

Bad news for all the folks barfing on this review: I saw this movie a few nights ago, and Dowd’s take is pretty much spot on.

The director is a Scorsese fan, but not as good as Scorsese? Mind. Blown. I’m sure we’re all terribly impressed that a film critic is familiar with the films of perhaps the greatest director of all time, but a review of this film would have been nice. This reads like you’re trying to impress a girl at a bar. 

Took me a moment to remember zugwang was not numberwang, which would have been a much different episode.

Settle down, Beavis.

You can say that again. And you did!

‘...have to fund some aggressive removal’. Like close-range sandblasting. Hell, I’d throw some money in just to see that happen to that shitworm.

Fiona is a nice reminder of how a musician can exist as an authentic being as opposed to most entertainers that function as bottomless corporations. She came on the scene as a young person and has somehow been able to be true and consistent to that sensibility. I admire that.

Who the fuck cares about a creator’s “political path”? Watch the fucking show and review it. “Political paths” literally have nothing to do with anything you’re talking about.

A thing happened 20 years ago!

Those people listed under "Created By."

I've got MS, so I'm super appreciative of this.  But I also feel a little bad because I 100% thought that was a gif of Cary Elwes.

Ehh...Sansa’s Northern Separatist rationale came from a rather painful place that provided harsh lessons when it came to the South- the Seven Kingdoms and game of thrones killed her father, her mother, her crazy-ass aunt, her two brothers, her trusted servants, made her a prisoner in the place where her father was

No, it’s echo chamber jerking off to itself, which is partly why we’re in this mess.

You probably don’t want to piss off a guy who’s been through the arduous legal immigration process”

So... Family Circle?

Far Side and Calvin & Hobbes were the ultimate one-two punch in the comics pages every day. It was like being raised by two older siblings; one sensitive and wise, the other a stoner dropout.