Lou Gehrig's Other Disease

I got the same vibe. Thought it would be money. When he pulled blue jeans out I died. 

Legit the funniest show on tv and a welcome distraction from the world. 

Just commenting in here to be part of the thread where a poster named ‘DeweyCheathamAndHowe’ called someone out for having stale jokes.

Yeah, but he has *insert issue* that doesn’t line up with 100% of all of my beliefs so he’s been cancelled. You can’t work after being cancelled. That’s not how this works!

I usually dislike him, but his burn on all these celebs in his opening was pretty apt.

Is it a hot take at this point to think that taking to internet comments sections to declare popular things “wildly overrated” is a shortcut for having taste?

There was really only one person missing from this panel.

Due to being raised in an environment of "sharing" and social media, the majority of people under 30 do not take privacy seriously. And furthermore they don't appreciate the 1st amendment that much either.

This article does a lot more to instill needless fear than the Neighbors app does. There was a driveby on a house across the street from me a couple months ago, at a house right next to a deputy sheriff’s home. The next day, I had a local detective came to my house and asked if I had seen or heard anything. He saw my R

But there’s a good chance that you’re going to see a Ring video doorbell on sale

I don’t have a Ring or other smart doorbell because I have built my own DVR, ALPR, and monitoring system. Still, I have no issues with Ring. The community I live in has enough Rings and other video systems that we have foiled many crimes and put local criminals on notice. Almost all of us have enrolled in a local

The device’s owners must give permission to share these videos with police, but it’s also unclear how users might be compelled to share it.

You are incorrect. A prosecutor should know that “what happens in front of your house” is, in fact, police business. Inside your house? Your business. Your back yard? Mostly your business. But what happens in front of your house is always police business.

Let’s get this straight. Don’t trust amazon , trust Google. Are you fucking insane?

Well there are 20 trackers blocked on this site alone, so your advice would be dont use the internet.

If the cops want to see who was at the from door xx days ago.. i dont have a problem with that.
Just dont put it in the bathroom... 

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

(Long-suffering sigh on behalf of everyone else in Gen X)

Grohl is Gen X

this is a pretty anachronistic take. it was aways a novelty to see govt employees working together the way the parks dept did in that show.

No, it’s used to communicate that you are driving poorly and to move to allow more experienced drivers to occupy that lane. Sounds like you are the recipient of frequent reminders.