
Failures love company ?

Clients generally have ZERO input or interest in how papers are served.  The fact that anything is being made of this at all to make Sudeikis look bad is pretty despicable.

Just going to start posting this link on every article about ol’ Madison. He is an inveterate liar and an utter piece of shit.

Or like how Lindsey Graham looks at Donald Trump when they’re in the same room.

Sorkin is always a bad choice.

Oh, Honey. 

Fines? That’s it? People who act like this, and especially anyone who assaults a crew member, should be banned from flying for the rest of their lives.

They should be put on the no fly list.

The thing is, there were no shortages in Florida.”

And covered up the many rapes of her 70s Show co-star.

Did Drew ask her about her belonging to a cult that destroys families, forces abortion on women and enslaves people?

Based on the picture, are we sure she’s not really Elway’s kid?

Betty White is still alive! Don’t say such things!

The dork named Jeff is from Alabama.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

If any colleges are reading this, I still have 4 years of eligibility left.

Well, they have to do something with those extra Rs they have left over from every time they say February or library.

what the trump, he’s got an NRA hat, why didn’t he just shoot the damn bus and claim he was standing his ground?