
more consideration than he has shown his child.

Inviting your 19-year-old girlfriend to a board game night, while you, yourself, are pushing 50?

you invite her over for Parcheesi and she shows up with her switch....

San Francisco has a ballot measure on permanent closure of JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park. I say, turn it all in to pickleball courts!

you’re welcome!

They need to ask boys about their puberty calendar and masturbation schedule.

I thought her only ‘talent” was having the largest ass West 0f the Rockies...

The marriage to Kidman was approaching ten years, at a time when Cruise’s career was ascending and Kidman’s was treading water. California law says after ten years the spouse gets half of future earnings, so Cruise wanted to end things before the deadline.

Turned out well for Nicole, whose career has blossomed ever

And who is to say any of these “hacks” are real? New business plan:
1. create new “super secure crypto site” and collect money from crypto wannabes.

sounds like Novack’s husband might have been one of Maxwell’s clients.  Or maybe Maxwell taught Novack how to be “sadistic and evil”.  

“Those remains are more recent, dating to around 1482 CE, and they were not buried in canoes.”

Massa Jim just wants all the kids on the plantation up at the big house so he can get them practicing two a days starting at age 4.

“...we’re still yet to see the true innovations blockchain tech can bring”

No mention of the swastika runway layout?

They could get Joe Manchin to come over and piss on the roads, like he pisses on everything else. Should cool things off since he is cold blooded.

so as one of his last acts as Prime Minister, Boris can invite Joe Manchin to discuss using West Virginia coal to power the UK.

“....notorious for offering absurdly high interest rates on crypto—as high as 18% in some cases—but it has to make increasingly risky bets to pay those off.”

does that mean Madison Cawthorn can’t go? where is Matt Gaetz going to take his dates?

Why isn’t he dating Madison Cawthorn?  They seem like a perfect match!

poopy mothers choose Jif!