Did they? The FBI just labeled BLM an extremist terrorist group - story posted on the Root. And this story we’re commenting on. All while white terrorists kill massive numbers of folk, and never get a terrorist title.
Did they? The FBI just labeled BLM an extremist terrorist group - story posted on the Root. And this story we’re commenting on. All while white terrorists kill massive numbers of folk, and never get a terrorist title.
Others here and elsewhere have stated: the 1st amendment is a sham and it always has been and will be. It’s a tool of the wealthy to own the time and place of discourse and dissent. And it’s granted in small doses to placate the masses until such time as it defies the wealthy too pointedly and is this revoked.
I’m not talking about people who use female AND male with the same frequency. But people who use “female” to address women and “men/man” to address men.
Men who say females like it’s proper -douche.
Too banal to be shamed into believing its equivalent to actual misogynistic language that peppers our vernacular.
*waits patiently for #NotAllMen crowd, especially the subset who should really know better when #NotAllWhitePeople enrages them*
Cam Newton is a peculiarly attired star quarterback for the Carolina Panthers.
I think being that stupid gives you this weird as fuck confidence. You’re too stupid to know anything, therefore you think you know everything. And if you know everything, you must be the shit, because only people who are the shit know everything.
I fux with ratchet Christians...I do.
I’ve played enough RPGs in my time, and main’d a Mage in Wrath of the Lich King so let me tell you the real answer. It’s both. It’s Frostfire. Has the properties of ice, but burns like fire.
Why won’t Mandy Moore get an Emmy nomination? She went back for her husband and did not allow him to get away. I’m in tears. Last 5 mins
My experiences with This is Us
Episode 1:
“Here we go with these wypipo making a show about a good ol white boy wypipoin all over his pregnant Mandy Moore with the one wypipo approved Mary Sue ass black dude thrown in their as a tokOMG THEYRE ALL RELATED”
Episode 3:
“I still dont trust it I mean Mandy Moore is wypipoing…
And they never treat him like a novelty.
I love that eventually his parents make it a point to acknowledge and celebrate his Blackness.
Drinkytown isn’t the best place to live if you think you should be living in crazy town jussayin. all love.
Listen that episode and when the babies planned the funeral. Ohmygod, I am not ready.
Any residents of BadDecisionTown? Our motto is “We know better, we just ain’t doing better.”
I took it as a source of pride that I had never cried at an episode of this show, and then they hit me with Randall’s Daddy’s backstory. wooo.
I’d like to give a round of applause for the real character development given to Sterling’s and Lonnie’s character, Randall. I have never seen anything like this on TV in relation to a Black boy being adopted by a White family.
A Barbie doll looked at this woman and said, “Shit, I didn’t know you could be THAT white!”