Thing is people make money and the word keeps going. There are many out takes of this image. So folks lack morals on multiple levels in this instance or a clue, it happens, fine.
Thing is people make money and the word keeps going. There are many out takes of this image. So folks lack morals on multiple levels in this instance or a clue, it happens, fine.
Yes, you get mad, you protest, bring up the stats and make a civil suit when it’s clearly biased when sexist and racist which this was when rules and laws are selectively enforced.
Question about the people then named. Why don’t we now name them? Why aren’t they now a matter of public record?
Hope they do another extra special one on Juneteenth
I’m noting how Donald (also Jordan Peele) have created vehicles around the complexity of black manhood. Black women support these vehicles until they somehow become inflated into “The Black Community” black men. Black women in turn then note that there is a lack of representation, poor or single note…
Thanks was coming in here to point this out. Seems to be dudes jumping on this as the main point as the “oh black women dont want us to have anything (our heros) or anyone (white/asian women)“ meanwhile before atlanta donald was a problematic figure. Im still sorting through atlanta this season frankly.
Never EVER liked him from get-go from that stupid jeep song. i cant believe its been twenty damn years i swore he’d be long gone. People got some horrible taste in music and worse taste in men. Damn all these folks.
Not from the POV of the person being subjected to the abuse. Must be nice to take this very white “I’d rather take this sort of racism vs that sort because certain levels of racism are better than others and hey it’s not all bad you aren’t slaves anymore!” position
Agreed. For hiphop to survive it needs this all encompassing flexibility. It’s hip h. You don’t have to like it, but you don’t get to kick it out of the genre.
thats great! i didnt realize she was!
We are all slowly learning. I only asked Breanna because i know she strives for more. Rest of the media tend not to try. =)
doesnt look like it so far hopefully he will going forward here is his website:
Im here
mmhmm everyone in the back seat knows its not the car *holds breath*
So i went to his website because im noticing folks are being a bit dunno vague? non specific? About his background and i figure the more specific... the more humanizing? “Marius Makon a.k.a”Elton Prince” was born in Cameroon and raised in Spain. Prince is a talented actor with a mash of African and Mediterranean…
Even if he just invested the earnings from his movie roles his parent likely negotiated and invested and put in a trust for him...he’s still likely richer than all of us off of what given to him yearly.
Most pieces before were slower versions of water cooler, backyard beer, coffee klatch, poker night and couch convo’s just sayin... (or most of what they stole and over heard on public transportation if they were in NY)
#Actually yes there is. but note: Stating your ‘preference’ in general tells on you and your foolishness always. But when you go out your damn way to be insulting about it? You trash.
oddly enough he did say that they give him a talking to about the things he says...i get the feeling those phone calls are coming