
Wow the head of Warner Brothers just said women can’t have their own opinions and the psychos making death threats toward JK Rowling are freaking out.

Great article. I prefer the Minghella version since Ripley as a sociopath that succeeds is what happens in the original Highsmith story. It’s fascinating how many filmmakers have been inspired to make their versions of Ripley through the years. It’s literally like watching a mystery where you already know what happens

Lesbian is a Sexual Orientation, not an Identity. What do you expect from the goon that tried to pimp us out. How are you still talking about Lesbians? After telling us who to f*ck. Literally stfu you Lesbophobe.

Good god, schlub overload. Burr and Davidson. I’d rather poke my eyes out 

Women: women menstruate

Exactly! It’s Bernie that is causing Genocide by forcing the elderly to vote when he needs to drop out 

Have you lost your damn mind? She’s more like a propagandist and spin doctor. She’s told complete lies and contributed to our now majority conservative scotus, and yes I said her. Bernie needs to drop out and instead she’s blaming Biden for primaries when it’s Bernie. These Bernie or bust fools help trump

The equivalency of Dawson’s statement and Zayas Gender identity borders on pedophilia. This article needs to be deleted. Sure there are trans and Gay Children but it’s a sexual orientation not actual sex, or a gender identity. You cannot sexualize children’s bodies like this, just because they know who they are

IF you had told me when Jezebel started I’d one day read an article where they had to twist title IX into a pretzel to justify biological boys competeing as girls and sell it as both “feminism” and “bigotry” toward male borns I would have fought you at the absurdity. Yet here it is. I hope every one of the employees

This Is false, you can look it up. Beggs refused to fill out the paperwork to complete on the boys team, local papers wrote about it after contacting the school. This was not about competing as a boy, this was about taking opportunities away from Girls of Color because Beggs family believed when presenting as a white

There was zero gore. Writer, get a dictionary. There was lots of graphic violence and the scenes were done so well it was astonishing. Usual comic book clunkiness with the tone and pace, plot great. So nice not to see some posturing “superhero” just bafoonish thug men and they worked. No lame damsel in distress sex

What a vile oversimplification. Please take an entry level film course. Maybe your city has an extension? Write a few papers from prompts forcing you to look at film critically before attempting these middle school level “quips” again. Yuk 

I just half ass watched it last night. Honestly even if it’s supposed to be a complex superhero or super villain story I don’t take those seriously and half ass watch plot exposition vomit, per usual experience. This time I focused on the music, photography and the incredible acting. However is he a Wayne or not

she doesn’t beleive that Lesbians should “get over” their penis-exclusionary attractions, something both conservatives and Jezebel writers have in common. 

Absolutely! There is more xenophobia and white washing in the article and comments than the problematic lyric. The singing wasn’t Purposefully racist, these comments and Jezebel are going for specific bigoted take here

She’s the “racism” expert, didn’t you see where she white washed Latinos with mocking hyperbole in her ranticle? She’s a walking think tank lmao. 

Jezebel writer is claiming Rodriguez quoting literal pay gap labor stats is “erroneous” get out of your feelings, Latina women literally earn this least, it’s an easy google.  Also Jezebel writer- don’t record yourself rapping songs with the nword it’s racist, yet we purposefully use racist/xenophobic terms toward

He used edgelord in ironically lol. This not tumblr

The most millennial thing ever written lol. “ I’m bored and offended by everything, but entertain my nihilism so I experience my first emotion” and other yoomer ramblings.  If you click on this and read, that time is gone forever. 

Next time someone “reminds” me that Polanski, Weinstein and Spacey walk free while Cosby sits in prison, I’m going to link this article, the overturned rape conviction, and the smirk Lee has in this photo.