
jonathan’s outfit was so unflattering, he needs a stylist stat. Women, especially Women of Color are pressured to be hairless and he shows up a wooly mammoth. imagine needing that much attention, exhausting. 

Millennials online complaining constantly about the economy and their “hardships” also millennials, overwhelmingly voting against unionizing at fuyao. Talk about agitprop. Pathetic 

Men wearing lipstick and remaining men is punk. Asking for nudes from women and singing about it like a perv is not punk. 

Still getting resources for this crap? Redirect them toward 10 indie movies with fresh stories. Pathetic 

Mafia style intimidation from male leaders to subvert consequences for sexual assault will be put into law? How new and revolutionary. Make sure perps lives aren’t “ruined” amarite?

This looks incredible and reminds me of one of my favorites Mike Leigh. Thanks for this heads up

Your thoughtful take is more informative than the “article” you are commenting on, at least in terms of recommendation/intrigue/interest.

New Homophobia same as the old homophobia. 

tell me you posted this ironically b/c haha forever, male gatekeepers dropping a CP video as a literal response haha

When it’s a female run publication you can just yell -Kill, burn, punch, rape the Terf! When it is male run publications you have to be strategic and capitulate yourself with, this has a “problem/problematic” muh muh like me, and other pandering bullshit.

Rodriquez awkardly quoted easily verifiable Labor statistics, and was trolled by some brandboosters on Black twitter, including these parastic writers from Jezebel. In trying to refute her, they gave Sophia Vergara as an example who was the first Latina to make this list since Cameron Diaz in 2011 who was a producer

If you aren’t mildly entertained by the intrique you have a black heart. 

How dissapointing about Lee. 

I didn’t know Amber heard could read. The most informative aspect of this hit drivel.

He’s Afro-Peruvian and Jewish. A child murderer but not white. The not a race argument is racist.

It’s Trumps America that your comment only has 8 (so far)stars and the person claiming swinton came with receipts has over 500 (so far) disappointed this page is so white supremist. not suprised of course, just disappointed.

or you are a tone deaf racist looking for excuses for your own hideous need to deflect your entitlement like Swinton. or you are a vile tokenized poc licking the white man bowl. either way. gross.

Yes, it sounds like you missed your Klan meeting.

Here here! Thanks for saying this. I’m done with white feelings and white hero complex. Go away and take your appropriation, white fragility and white tears, oh and no tacos for Swinton or any more behavior like this. Just say no to supporting white supremecy.

Is it all white people giving there “opinions” on this story or tokenized POC because the responses are horrific and nothing but a prevarication to support the white supremacy that is the casting of this film. Are you at all suggesting that because Cho was professional and Swinton used a freindly tone and was