
Beep! Beep! It’s a Dodge Neon! Drive into the rest of your weekend in confidence and style!

Useless? Nope. I take it you guys don’t have much experience driving in snow. These aren’t so much for the snow accumulation but the dirty residue that driving in snow leaves from dirt and salt from snowy roads. When it dries on your vehicle, especially glass, it creates a grayish white layer that’s hard to see

The key to a safe cab-over is simply to get one that puts the driver above everyone else on the road.

Build date 4/20/2016

1980s tyre you say

Do they smell like a lack of profit and over-inflated stock value?

It’s much more suspenseful than Man Vs. Car

I feel this is burying the real lede here.

Putting windshield wiper controls in a freaking menu that you have to poke around for on a touchscreen while you are driving in the rain is a perfect example of how Tesla is a techbro company first, car company second.