Tyrannosaurus Lex

If you go to Tucson, do yourself a favor and go to BK Tacos instead of El Guero Canelo if you’re looking for Sonoran Dogs. I’m not saying Guero is bad, but BK cooks theirs over charcoal and it makes all the difference.

According to right-wing media and the RWNJs that post here, Trump’s utterings are masterpieces of wonder and every step Biden takes is a senile stumble.

For sure. It’s also I think a totally fair point for the media and Stewart to make, but at the same time, these are the candidates. It’s not like constantly saying “America deserves better” manifests itself into America getting better candidates this cycle. So, make the point Stewart, like seemingly everyone needs to

No one expects Stewart to be a propagandist for Biden the way Tucker is for Trump. It’s just supremely unreal to see the media at large, including Stewart, treat Biden’s age and occaisonal gaffes as if they’re in any way comparable to Trump’s insane, dictatatorial, self-absorbed ramblings.

Indeed. The dictator’s defining characteristic is deciding that he’s accomplished enough and that his personal safety is not in jeopardy and so it’s time to put power back in the hands of the people. I’m not worried.

We still have no idea what the fuck he wants to “drill, drill, drill.”

Yeah, she’s angling for the VP spot under Trump pretty openly at this point.

Cool, cool. Just one question for you, Matty - if it wasn’t an insurrection, why were you and all of your fellow Congresscritters evacuated to secure locations?

I agree. This idea has the oily stink of Elise Stefanik all over it.

Executive orders and dictatorial fiats are not the same thing, no one is making that claim in the article, so let’s not pretend otherwise. EOs are still subject to law and review and can be overturned by the courts if deemed unconstitutional. By definition, whatever a dictator says becomes the law.

Don’t really know what the big deal is—dictators famously cede power quickly and without much fuss.

If you don’t think these people’s desire to please Trump was not enough for them to come up with vacuous, ignorant and performative servility on their own, you haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t need to ask for them to debase themselves, it’s instinctive for them at this point.

“Look, we tried to overthrow the government, but it turns out that our people run the gamut from ‘incompetent’ to ‘cowardly’ and couldn’t do it. How could we possibly be held responsible for that?”

Ah yes, the party of “sTAtEs RiGhTz!!1!1!” wants the federal government to step in and tell what the states can and cannot do all of a sudden. These dipshits have no fucking principles.

I guarantee that this is something Trump told them to do. 

They’re half right, it wasn’t a successful insurrection.

“When Joe Biden was inaugurated, and this entire Capitol complex was surrounded with 30,000 National Guard troops, none of you stood there and called that an insurrection,” she told reporters, in reference to the increased security at Biden’s 2021 inauguration after the January 6...insurrection. “Oh no. You all

That’s nearly seventy folks who should go home now. Where is there a hanging tree when you need it?

comes as both Colorado and Maine ruled that Trump is disqualified from November’s presidential ballot