Tyrannosaurus Lex

So you’d have no problem with an all-propaganda-all-day approach to education? I mean, you’ve declared that there’s no problem with schools requiring totalitarian reactionary misinformation in classrooms — that’s clearly not a problem, after all, I’m sure you have unlimited time to reverse all the propaganda, and it’s

So there’s this narrative going on that the only people that don’t want to see Taylor constantly on the broadcast is lonely sexist men. This just isn’t true. Travis Kelce was part of a conversation on his podcast in october saying that he thought it was overkill the amount she was being shown. There’s a clip making

Perceptions of the economy haven’t been rooted in reality since Obama was in office. Like Trump, these folks base how well the economy is doing by how angry they are at the government.

I’d say report the nurse to the state board and move to have her license permanently suspended/revoked, but it’s Ohio so the board would probably just give her an award instead. 

Holy fuck!

How you gonna play up the “Chiefs represent libtards” connection without mentioning SF’s Nick Bosa?

“The makeover is intended to modernize and make his image more youthful ... and to attract younger voters.

How in the hell can this nurse have made that determination? She didn’t want to look at the foetal remains? Most women would not want to look after a miscarriage. She was in a position of trust, she told her patient that everything would be okay and then went behind her back and reported her to the police, as though

Yup. I thought about throwing the WWE on the list too, but went with the more obvious examples.

Drinking Bud Lights while watching the NFL was the MAGA Netflix and Chill.

Lol, well...that didn’t take long, but between Lamar Jackson being the talk of the SB had the Ravens won, or TnT, I imagine a lot of those right wingers were watching in giddy anticipation of having some fresh content to fake outrage about, though I thought all those whiny asses had bailed and boycotted the NFL after

What’s the Over/Under on Kelce proposing to Taylor Swift at the Superbowl? It’s got be at least a 20% chance I think. 

Not to say that we haven’t always done these things in various ways but I keep thinking of that cottage industry of weird fucking losers who sat through the Depp/Heard trial generating endless “content” analyzing Heard’s facial expressions to wrest some sense of how truthful she must or must not be. Now we get to see

It seems important to emphasize that you shouldn’t have to be publicly excited about your pregnancy to not be criminalized for a miscarriage, nor should you be regarded as criminally suspect based on your reaction to your miscarriage.

It’s hilarious because football was the last bastion for the right-wing hate machine. They already lost NASCAR because they were too “woke.” They already lost Disney because they were too “woke.” They already lost Apple and Microsoft and Sony because they were too “woke.” It’s only a matter of time before they realize

Note to the conservatives that what this nurse did actually meets the perimeters of a ‘witch hunt’: baseless accusation based on personal bias with no supporting evidence. 

How much do you think the hospital’s liability insurance is about to go up because a nurse couldn’t keep her mouth shut?

When Watts feels up to it, I hope she takes the hospital to the cleaners and that the nurse is named in the lawsuit. Five bucks says the nurse is the type who really thinks she is a good person. Phony nice women, fear them.

Jesus Christ. Imagine if these assholes put anywhere near this kind of effort into doing something good-hearted and productive. We’d probably have perfect desalination technology and the goddamned food replicator from Star Trek by now. Or...considering the IQ levels involved here, never mind.