Tyrannosaurus Lex

Two 10-year-old children were found to have been working as late as 2 a.m. for no pay

Charity shouldn’t have cameras around. He could’ve just done it quietly. But no, everything has to be filmed for content. Every thing Beast does is for his own benefit.

The good old days:

The children yearn for the mines. 

Fast food has had a child labor problem since fast food has existed. People are ok with fast food workers being young and low paid. I think the front line of food safety should not be overworked teenagers. 

Forcing members of the public to see a picture of Mr Beast without prior consent should be a felony

Except every picture I see of this guy is a “bad picture”. Same dead eyes, same creepy forced grin.

The smile is not aimed at humans. It’s aimed at the youTube bot that parses thumbnails.

Not sure why you think those are incompatible positions. People can contribute positively to society and also be terrible. Utilitarian much?

It’s someone who sold their soul.

Why is he so frigging creepy looking? Those weird, dead eyes that seem to fix on nothing. That forced, fake smile.

Ron DeSantis should be forced to carry his presidential campaign to term.

Ooh, great point. Okay, how many abortions do you think he’s promised to pay for? 

HA!!! So glad to see that my fellow Jezelbellians also came to the same conclusion that I did; he is most likely a sex addict with an epic porn collection...stay tuned...

It’s only government when someone else does it.

These guys really show their ass (npi) when they want to repeal no-fault divorce. Remember the good old days when a battered wife couldn’t get out of the marriage without dragging the whole thing out publicly in court and reliving it all? Dusty does!

No. But in Florida they have banned the dictionary because of “sexual content.”

“There is a need for a bold fighter to stand between the people and the ever-expanding government that is infringing on our God-given freedoms.”

depiction or description of sexual conduct

If this bill became law, which it won't, this dude is going to have almost all of his party arrested. Does he really think only Godless fornicators look at porn?