Tyrannosaurus Lex

Earlier this year, she told the FBI that she opposes abortion and had “nightmares” about people having abortions at the clinic, prompting her to torch it.

....wait staff got paid better and tipping wasn’t necessary. Does the tipping culture prove to owners that they can “offload” wages onto the public?

Ah yes, the party of freedom and less government at work again.

Or you are now getting gouged.

Well also the prices of alcoholic beverages have gone up faster than the prices of food, at least at the places where I eat.

I was wondering if this started because the Chiefs lost on Christmas Day. Just how did she cause the Chiefs to lose? TBH I don’t even know for sure what position Travis plays, tight end?  (indication of how much I’ve paid attention to this latest Internet/media sensation).

God I hate football on Christmas. It was so much fun having people grumbling and complaining all day that their chosen group of strangers a thousand miles away wasn’t throwing a ball around as good as the other group of strangers. It honestly kind of ruined the whole day. Not to mention all the stadium workers and

They’re in denial, plain and simple.

I am in no way an expert, but when we’ve had measures - such as with weed - it’s pretty much been treated as an OK this is what the people want, but hey, how about that.

We’ve had ballot after ballot re: Legalizing Marijuana that has been supported over and over but this pile of puke refuses to allow anything to proceed.

It will “put the issue to rest” in WI in exactly the same way that the Ohio GOP immediately recognized that the people had spoken and moved on to other things like governing for the BENEFIT of the people.

But the thing is, I have no idea why Vos is suggesting this.

Just for funsies let’s get several dozen roof top bill boards that say “I’m going for an Abortion” and then drive all around Texas with (non- pregnant) people in drag piloting and riding in the vehicles. Hell, make it several hundred. Stretch law enforcement so thin no one is left to harass all the migrants. Maybe

You know what counts as a criminal conspiracy? Churches, who don’t pay anywhere near their fair share in taxes, blatantly violating the “stay out of politics” doctrine.

Thinking about using this “logic”, anyone who ever takes prescription meds while pregnant could be thrown in jail. If giving prescription drugs to the non-prescribee is a crime, then no medication of any type could ever be taken for nine months.  

Oklahoma is not OK.

I am just embarrassed for the legal profession in Oklahoma that this man is a prosecutor who would look at the limited resources he has around him and choose to do this. It’s extra fucked up to use the pretext of being concerned about the child to drag their mother through the criminal justice system. It’s not about

They only care about saving the life of the fetus, not caring for a child after it is born ... and this obviously isn’t even about saving the life of the fetus.

Gunsolus faces felony charges because her fetus did not have a medical marijuana license.

The cruelty is the point.