Tyrannosaurus Lex

If it was in a restaurant, ask for a to-go container, obviously. 

“Look, our entire voting base is nothing but snowbirds who aren’t going to last until the end of the decade. Might as well let them creep up the skirts of 16 year olds while they’re still above ground.” -Florida GOP

Dickensian was always an unfair term. Dickens knew that there was nothing worse than the exploitation of children.

I think that is what most of us would do. And then try to heal.

Honest question - WTF was she supposed to do? I would have done the same thing.

I’m in the same boat and it sucks. I hate that any of my sales tax/property tax dollars are going to these outrageous politicians and their infuriating policies. It’s going to be quite a while before I can move (if ever) due to our cheap house and cheap interest rate.

Some counties in Texas imposed travel bans, but aimed at those who help women access abortions from out of State, something even Kavanaugh noted in Dobbs as being unconstitutional if any state attempted to impose in the future (which they have). So if anyone is to face a lawsuit over this, it would be if they helped

I moved from MA to TX. The politics are indeed absolutely horrifying and inhumane. I am scared to live here, but also scared to leave. Why would I be scared to flee such a dystopian mega church conglomerate?

If you are in danger or just want a sane life, flee the Confederacy.

Panera is way overpriced, especially for what you get. A cup of soup, which is pretty darn small, is $6+ . Their overall imo has waned greatly in the last 5 or so years. Outside of an occasional bagel or other bakery item for breakfast, I no longer go there.

“I’m gonna take that smirking pustule who runs that electric car company for all he’s worth!” -- Elon, snorting his daily mound of K.

I heard if you do that, you go blind.

He should cut to the chase and sue himself.

So he’s suing over the reporting of things he said and did....in public?

Sen. Siobhan Dunnavant (R), an anti-abortion OB/GYN.

This happened, Ohio voted to codify abortion rights, and Andy Beshear was reelected in Kentucky, yet whenever I open any news site the first thing I see is articles about how Trump is going to be elected again. The press wants him back so badly.

That is the big danger I am expecting with the GOP. They will basically pull a Sinema, saying whatever they need to get elected but rathe than going the normal politician route of being corrupted by greed they throw the switch on some evil master plan they had secretly been working on for years.

The anti-Issue 1 yard sign that really pissed me off was the one that read “Protect Them Both.” What the ACTUAL fuck? How is denying anyone the right to determine their own medical needs protecting them?

This is the nearest thing I have seen to “functioning Democracy” in the USA for a long time.

I know it is unkind to gloat, but I’m an Ohioan and GODDAMN does this feel good tonight. Republicans in Ohio have had their boots on the necks of us women for far to long, and it has been excruciating listening to their whinging for the past few months about how “extreme” and “radical” it is to ensure that women can