Tyrannosaurus Lex

My favorite line:

The GOP just spent the last two months in the House proving that they are utterly incapable of governing.  The only way they will ever learn to govern is by having all power taken away from them.

I hate this mealymouthed little turd and his stupid orange puffer vest too. 

Cuba has a better record on infant mortality than the US.

Hey if that red vest and yellow wristband doesn’t scream “trustworthy”, I don’t know what does.

They literally won’t care. Fewer OBGYNs sounds like a woman problem. Good Christian women can give birth in their homes under the supervision of their loving husbands.

Virginia is for lovers who better use rubbers.

Youngkin’s lips are moving = He’s lying. 

That’s certainly the direction things are trending in. And then the GOP will all be seen to be crying on TV about “who could have foreseen this?” and “those meanie commie doctors won’t take our money” and “we’ll just start our own medical universities and teach OUR doctors the important stuff only”.

Likely even less. The infant mortality rate just went up, the first time in over 4 decades it has, but that won’t make a difference to their crowd. Facts, logic and human decency are entirely lost on them whenever they conflict with their narrative. 

I totally trust Republicans when they say they don’t want a total ban on abortion. Or that they want to get rid of no-fault divorce. Or that they won’t go after birth control or IVF.

Being “pro-life” doesn’t mean shit though, regarding the specifics. I know plenty of people who are “pro-life” who also want IVF and birth control available too in case they want access for themselves.

Every picture and video of that douche.

This guy is a religious zealot, far more dangerous than any of the Taliban thousands of miles away from the United States. The Republican Party, which at this point is a criminal conspiracy of fraud and insurrection, supports his insane, dangerous and frankly un-American ideology.

“We plan to demonstrate in court, undeniably and irrefutably, that bitches be whack.”

I can’t understand why they would use it in the year 2023. Like 1960s, and 70s, and ok all the way up to this decade. Sure it was effective.

That they used the term “hysterical” says so much, good lord.

Republicans are depraved and cynical monsters who don’t care how women or babies with birth defects suffer. But then, they don’t care if third graders die in a hail of bullets either, if doing something would inconvenience a grown man with a fetish for AR-15s.

“Nicole Blackmon—who says she suffered “physical and emotional torture” from being forced to carry a nonviable pregnancy for months—doesn’t have standing to sue because she’s since had her tubes tied”

Pure evil, plain and simple