Tyrannosaurus Lex

It’s almost like they don’t give a shit because a ban on abortion wouldn’t negatively impact their lives.

Gen X here - A lot of women past menopause have been fighting for/protecting that right to abortion & bodily autonomyfor decades. It’s when you get into the 65 & older crowd that you have more women who are against it.

DeWino already has a 6 week ban (a.k.a. heartbeat bill) ready to go into effect if Issue 1 fails. This bill was temporarily blocked by Ohio’s “Supreme” court, in favor of the existing 20 week ban, and Roe v Wade (remember the girl raped by her uncle, who had to go out of state for an abortion? The existing bill is why)

Funny how it’s often the people who are too old to worry about unwanted pregnancies, that are the most staunchly anti-abortion. It’s almost like they don’t give a shit because a ban on abortion wouldn’t negatively impact their lives.

DeWine did do a hilarious press conference the day after the August election, where the measure that would have required 60% of the vote to pass a citizen-led amendment issue got crushed. Once that ballot measure failed, Republicans were faced with the reality that 1. abortion is broadly popular in Ohio and 2. they

I might just throw on my “Nevertheless, she Persisted” shirt and set foot back in my hometown Catholic church just as a “fuck you” to the church for donating millions to the “Vote No” campaign.

I’m going so write many gloating letters to neighbors when Issue #1 passes.

While all this is despicable, of course, there is something hilarious about DeWine’s argument that if Issue 1 is blocked, the Ohio government will suddenly now have a way to come up with a way that majority of Ohioans can support for two reasons.

In fairness, it’s sort of like that David Frum quote, except not only did the Republicans reject democracy, they rejected conservatism. ...and ideologies more broadly. ...and objective reality. ...and, at least arguably, winning.

If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”
David Frum

I thought the same thing, but then I asked myself "why are they trying so hard to stop voters if it truly doesn't count?" The "our votes don't count" mentality is the rumor that spreads like wildfire. I wonder who pushes that idea into our brain space.

in other nations you can’t be an “inactive” voter unless you died, jfc.  it’s not a driver’s license that expires! i hate this for you.

I thought back to 2000, too, when Katherine Harris purged nearly 200k voters from the Florida rolls. Bush “won” by 537. If you have the stomach for it the Max documentary 537 Votes is a fascinating (and also wildly infuriating) look back on what happened.

“If you can’t win, cheat. If you can’t cheat, lie. If you can’t lie, scream at the other person until they relent.” -GOP since 2000

I hope more and more people follow your example to call to have thee “chuches” audited for engaging in political speech. 

[TW: Domestic violence]

I feel bad I am submitting so late, but it is what it is.

I live in a suburb of Detroit, and the Catholic church in my town spent $$$$$$$ to against Prop3, so much so that I notified the IRS of them engaging in political activity. 

Smash cut to SCOTUS removing women’s right to divorce (just women’s) in the not too distant future.

Also likely to be hidden in the greys but here it is. (Content warning: harm to children.)