Tyrannosaurus Lex

i hope pro-choice ads pointing out the falsehoods are all over the place in ohio.

Another funny part about their lying overall is that all of these efforts to ban abortion within their states, thereby necessitating travel to another state, now makes it irrefutably “interstate commerce.”  

The platform itself eventually became known as X after the URL twitter.com began redirecting to X.com this past summer.

I wonder if DAUs include viewers of tweets embedded in articles, websites, and search results? 

I expect that before too long you’ll start hearing “Papers please!” in some of these red states.

Funny enough it’s almost the anniversary of when I deleted Twitter from my phone.

Only a 15% drop?

And yet there’s still ignorant cynics who still say “both parties are the same.”

You can’t see this objectively and come away thinking that honestly.

I’m sorry that you had to move because small government conservatives want to control your body. It’s awful. 

It’s also going to upend access to OB-GYN’s in States that are banning abortions.  This is already happening in Idaho. My OB-GYN in Georgia saw the writing on the wall during the Trump presidency, and moved to NY.

Listen, lackwit. Contraception fails. People make mistakes. Not all sex acts are consensual or non-coerced. Abortion is necessary. 

Wow. So while Republicans claim to believe in limited govt and supposedly individual rights but reeeeealy into literally keep women a prisoner in her their own town.

So states get to kidnap women now? 

So glad they have a budget for fetus sniffing dogs. 

More like a law to make it illegal to TRAVEL to play 7 card stud with bigfoot. You can technically pull anyone over under suspicion of going to play a card game with a cryptid. And oh, if you were to find (or plant) some evidence of some other crime, well that’s just icing on the cake.

it’s the equivalent of passing a law making it illegal to play 7 card stud with bigfoot. 

Yeah, these laws seem either A) completely unenforceable, or B) totally open to abuse.

I still don’t understand how this is in any way legal. As long as the person is of legal age I don’t understand how you can tell someone they can’t cross state lines to do something legal in the other state.

So, in the free state of Texas, a county official may, indiscriminately, pull over a woman traveling with another woman, a woman traveling with a man, or by herself, and then said person will have to prove where they are going?

Hey Texas, not sure if you’ve heard yet but women can vote now. Crazy, right?