
I dont. Fuck them man. They are incapable of understanding that is sucks to be left out in the cold until they are left out. So let them be left out. Maybe they will become better humans.

When they receive entitlement or benefits it is because they “deserve them” as opposed to the “others” who are taking them bc they are lazy citizens african americans/latinos/any other minority.

Meh. You deal. I cant spend the day feeling bad for myself so I just focus and try to kick ass.

I’m in law. You find the older men (and some younger ones) often think I am a secretary. In fact twice I have had lawyers ask me to get the coffee bc they thought I was the secretary at the depositions. I have also been called “little lady” on the record during a dep.

Spendy. They work their asses off for their money, but they also enjoy spending it.

“white by association” is the best way to describe her because there are QUITE A FEW racists who straight up hate Eastern Europeans.

I see your 85 dollar candle and raise you a 290 dollar candle.

They say that “oh Melania is so classy” but we all KNOW it means “Melania is so white!”

bless you for bringing this gem back to my life.

This times a million. I dont do criminal work but I have drilled witnesses before. Hard enough to make them upset. Mind you they deserve it when they are shitty landlord or tenants or shitty dads who beat their kids. I have also seen victims be drilled by trial lawyers to the point where they cry. I would not blame

If the plea deal involved an appropriate amount of time in jail. That is what it needs. Testifying is hard and emotionally and mentally taxing on victims. I would not blame that woman one bit if she pushes for a plea too.

Depending on the state, rape is something enters vagina (penis, finger, object) while sodomy without consent is often anything else but vagina.

Yours cant, but mine can. So why shouldnt I go protest?

I used to find it unpersuasive that people wouldnt vote for her bc she is a woman until I talked to some very VERY sexist men in my field. It was disheartening as fuck.

You know I saw this incredibly intersting article about a year ago that talked about how clinton’s approval rating and favorability ratings were ALWAYS super low when she was up for ANY public service job, but after she got the position those numbers went very high.

You might not be able to change trump, but you certainly can change your senator and rep. And if they see a big enough group they MAY think twice before further restricting women’s rights. But you know that. The president is only as powerful as the legislative branch lets him be.

I dont know how unpopular he is. He clearly garnered a lot of vocal supporters. Enough to get elected. It just seems hard to argue she is so unpopular when she won the primary and the general election in terms of popular vote.

See this was the shot of brightness 2016 needed. :)

This was the most truthful statement ever made in here.

Oh man. I just cannot with this comment. As an ex-DC native who was there for Obama’s inaugurations I am well aware of how crazy it can get, but can you come off as more “special snowflake-y?”