
writing the number of the national lawyers guild is THE most important thing. Find a local chapter. Write that number down. They will always do their best to get you out of jail and help.

yes we should totally ignore his lack of legislative bills proposed and just assume the socialist ideas he spouted (while not awful) would be totally ok w voters in the midwest which went trump

and #benghaaaaaaaazi!

the full name of that group is “Never Killary! Lock her up!” thankyouverymuch

Um it is a little difficult to argue she is unpopular when she is winning by 3 million votes. It is 100% appropriate to target your anger at the voters in swing states who “protest voted” or stayed home bc HRC wasnt promising the pie in the sky view they felt they were entitled to RIGHT NOW

Yeah but like MY VALUES! How can one even COMPARE Hilary and her “status quo-nees” with the REAL CHANGE I need? I couldnt betray my VALUES! Compromise is for the weak!

This is the only bright spot in the year 2016.

I 100% agree Loab is acting like an emotionally abusive fuckface who is trying to keep a woman he lost in his life by THE most fucked up ways, BUT I dont know if gold digger is right. He asked for Vegara’s parental rights to be terminated. No visitation by her and no child support from her. http://pagesix.com/2016/12/0

Sorel boots for sure. HANDS DOWN they are the best. When I lived in DC everyone was all “Oh the LLBean boots are so cute and they are such WINTER BOOTS!” um no. Fuck. No. Unless you are getting the ones with shearling your toes will FREEZE when it is 32! Sorel on the other hand is an actual winter boot.

MAYBE an admission.

I mean I can think of so many reasonable doubt scenarios:

Yeah but like what if Walter Scott shot the officer with his back gun? YOU NEVER KNOW AND COPS MUST BE BELIEVED NO MATTER WHAT!

Thank you thank you THANK YOU! Words mean things and to call it a blind trust is to redefine wtf a blind trust is. Trump reated a regular trust. That is it. It only becomes blind when his kids sell off all of Trumps assets and reinvest it in crap that Trump doesnt know about.

Please dont call it a blind trust. A blind trust would require Trump to have no idea what assets he has, which is impossible unless his share of all Trump crap is sold off and the proceeds used to buy other stuff.

work and personal. it does require a PW to get to the office stuff.

LOL I know. And you would think that 1) as a lawyer with way too much client info on it and 2) as a lawyer who knows the protections a lock on your phone gives you from police searches I would do it.

you are right. plus if you lock your phone the police cannot force you to unlock it!

Congrats good sir (or ma’am) you win the internet today.

WHAT? You mean you have never had your phone taken from you and then people are posting racist shit from your phone for funzies!

I mean isnt the concern that the boys had KKK sweaters “for a long time?” How is THAT not a worry mom?