
Call Monday. Most federal employees are not in today or are doing a half day.

They might as well call it the House Select Investigative Panel on goobly goop.

There isnt much difference, but the idea seems to be that white europeans consider themselves part of one particular nation as opposed to they are all white europeans. Here, you have whites of most religions and nationalities on the same side. In Europe you can, and DO, see a white German hating a white Greek or a

This is a great explanation.

Discrimination and hostile work environment because of pregnancy is a REAL cause of action and a REAL thing that can be dealt with in the EEOC. I hope you at least took the time to write out the exact interaction in a calendar or email so that you can have something that was written close to the time it happened and

The French, like most of Europe, is quite racist. Not the way we are with burning crosses and the KKK etc, but in their own “France is for the French, Greece is for the Greeks, Germany is for the German” way that we cannot understand. America is built off of immigrants. Europe is not. There is a nationalism that is a

I agree. The chance is slim, but didnt we have a slim chance of a Trump presidency according to every poll out there?

I can see this terrifying scenario: Texas, Louisiana or Mississippi pass very restrictive TRAP laws. PP or a woman file suit against the state. PP or woman or state loses in lower court. PP or woman or state, whoever loses, appeal to 5th circuit. 5th circuit, which is the most conservative of circuits, sides with

I enjoy saying that for “pro-life-ers” life begins at conception and ends at birth.

WELL obviously those outsiders will #draintheswamp and #makeamericagreatagain and do all sorts of other hashtags because they arent corrupt corporate shills!

I would guess 1) to ensure that he has this moldy Cheetos’ ear in the future and can possibly temper a really bad situation that could happen under said Cheetos’ watch 2) to help ensure our country doesnt fall apart with a White House that cannot handle situations that arise and 3) because he actually loves this

You and me both. I have cousins and aunts and uncles freaking out. My cousin was told she would be sent back to Mexico and deported now that Trump was president. Another lawyer friend of mine who is Muslim was called a terrorist on the street.

Historically? It looks bad. Dems dont turn out for midterm elections.

Name calling is always the best way to prove your point. Who needs facts or opinions or logic.

Except I acknowledge Gmail et al would have kept them even if deleted, so I dont know what you are trying to say.

When given the choice between Trump and Hilary there is NOTHING she could do that would make me vote for Trump or not vote at all (and therefore give Trump a boost). Of course she has flaws. No shit. She is a person, and like people, she is also flawed. Does that mean she is my ideal candidate? Nope. But I prefer her

You are right intent isnt always relevant, but it is for what people are trying to find her guilty of as it is one of the elements.

Last time I checked there was a difference between asking a government to not kill its citizens without due process (clearly wrong under all circumstances) and wanting to know the ins and outs of how legislation is passed and how treaties are formed (much more complex and filled with a million shades of grey). If you

You know what IS pertinent? Intent.

Ignoring your snap judgement of who I am voting for, you are right. I do not care about transparency. I am 100% ok with the fact that I, an average American, am not entitled, nor should I be, to knowing everything that is done by our government. I am ok with the fact that sometimes we, as Americans, cannot know the