
Because lady lawyers dont get enough of this ever! Obviously we secretly love it. Which is why we wear those ever so sexy pantsuits.

Seeing this brings tears to my eyes. I am so excited to finally see that POC are being included and recognized. We need this. It starts with our black sisters and eventually gets to latina divas.

This times a million.

I have. We have a judge in a collar county who makes a point and goes ON RECORD in open court to dress down an attorney who has not met dress standards.

Hell if they could all get together and reach out to a lawyer and say “We have a class action” that alone would get most lawyers to do the work on a contingency basis (50% but still little to no upfront costs).

Yeah. My point was the family didnt know. A legal advocate could have explained it and they in turn could have pushed for what they really wanted and held the prosecutor responsible.

This whole thing is beyond depressing. It is also a good example of how important it is to help your local rape crisis centers. They have legal volunteers that could have explained to the family what would happen which would have, in turn, helped them push the prosecutor for something better. Like, oh I dont know,

I get that. I do. I just hate the implied idea that this poor minority needs help because he cant help himself. And I get that is part of my own projecting.

Keep Derping.

All the stars for you.

Eh. I always tried to keep a “3 month of expenses” savings account.

Thanks. I get so much of this crap all the time at my work. I walk into a court room and I am the secretary or the client. It is infuriating that I cannot be seen as a lawyer because stereotypes!

Not really. I have a law degree but I have taken some very low wage job to get by, both when in law school and when studying for the bar exam. Just because I waited tables doesnt mean I have no education or prospects.

Like I said, fuck off. You have no idea who I am or what myself and my family have been through. Stop trying to protect all of us “poor” minorities. Stop saying we are all fucking poor and uninformed.

Nice try I am neither white nor a man. I did however assume you were a white man with a savior complex trying to save all of us “poor” minorities.

And the “poor black man” ug. Savior complexes man.

I am so sick of this viewpoint. Just because I am a minority it does NOT mean I am poor or uneducated of impoverished. God. This savior complex is infuriating.

Plus when you go to public school you also learn how to solve your own problems. You arent going to get along with every kid ever, but you know you will see them every day for 9 months-ish. So you learn how to get past any problems you and that kid has. Even if a home schooled kid who has daily outings and interacts

I wonder if a class action would get Zara to back off. I am sure many lawyers would LOVE to take something like that. Hell I would. But it is hard getting a class action up and running without some people willing to come forward.

They are total twinsies. See: