
I know I cannot make comments about my cases without my client's express written consent and approval. My firm doesnt allow it. Since some of the lawyers have represented cops there are often requests for comment. We have to say "no comment" or whatever is in the public record unless we have an explicit ok for a

I think you can get someone to be liable in this case. Cosby would have had to authorize his lawyers making a statement about her.

Where do you want to start? The basic elements are:

And what was he wearing during this alleged shitting incident? Was it crotchless underwear? Leather chaps? How easy was it for him to allegedly shit on the floor? Did he try to stop alleged shitting? Did he think of clenching harder? If he didnt want to allegedly shit on the floor why didnt he just hold it in? I had


esp when those movies are about 50 cents right after christmas.

I watch The Year without a Santa Claus on ABC Family and those jerks cut a LOT of stuff. Including the galoshes joke.

Of course still racist. Much better than the orig or even the disney version.

Goldstar. Theater tickets are fantastically priced on there. Joffrey Ballet's Nutcracker is 45 bucks a person. Cinderella is 65. That is the most expensive one I have found for chicago.

erhhhh there is a LONG and really logical history to Peter Pan being a woman.

it still does. a LOT.

Sure. He has limits and he can only do so much, but that still doesnt make the headline inflammatory or even inaccurate.

In fact if you have already been divorced you have a higher chance of getting divorced again. Probably because you realized that divorce isnt that bad.

I tell my clients this ALL THE TIME. Children are not dumb. They are more likely to suffer emotional damage when mom and dad are together but hate each other than when mom and dad separate but are still civil.

I disagree. When you are one of the million of women that the article discusses, it is 100% accurate.

Yeah you are a better person than me.

I get that 100%, but on the flip side when men that I know have seen this (many of which are like "Well why not report it?") they hold onto that question and Dickenson gave an eloquent and heartfelt answer. It resonates with people who just dont get it and cannot understand why someone wouldnt report it. Saying "It

I think I saw on Janis Dickenson's resume "President of the Bring Bill Cosby Down Through Rape Allegations Club."

Her soft lady brain cant really handle all that work. She has to write and read questions! PLUS listen and write down notes!

Stop demanding that people actually CLICK the links you use to support your article.