
Well golly gee mister! You think gang rapists should have a bigger consequence than being expelled! So progressive of you!

No problem. It's important to remind people there is a tangible thing you can do. A lot of the shelters need food and clothes and furniture etc. If you dont have that you can always give an hour of your time for the hotline and help a victim.

It does fall on us. And there has to be a strong volunteer group willing to help victims like these girls. Strong women who can advocate for them and help them.

This seems like a super appropriate place to remind people that volunteering your time at a Crisis Center helps victims like these. They need advocates. They need people fighting for them.

I read that and just wanted to hug her so much. And tell her she is not at fault. She did nothing wrong. NOTHING.

The Jezebel staff should punch his stupid face.

I feel like if someone said that about my sister (because I dont have a kid) I would flip my shit and just beat the crap out of them.

Yeah the apology doesnt fix diddly squat. But it was like a real apology. Not a "Sorry you were offended" apology. Which is a nice change.

Don Lemon should take notes.

Shh you put that reasonableness and compassion away.

The sad part is that this man is so fucking dense I wouldnt put him past it to ask those questions.

clearly all 15 of them conspired for over 10 years to attack Cosby while his career was declining. I mean it really is the only LOGICAL explanation.

I was going to try to come up with some sort of sarcastic remark showing how dumb the idea of "well if you didnt fight back it didnt happen" is.

Pain and suffering fall in here too. So my guess is that is what they are going with.

You are dead right in the compensatory damages thing. Compensatory damages are about the loss you have suffered. In this case the punitive damages is where it is at.

I went to a Catholic HS. I am Greek Orthodox so when we fast for Lent we FAST (no meat, no eggs, to milk, no cheese, no yogurt, no oil, no booze) and I was very confused by the "Well I am giving up chocolate" thing. Did one live off of chocolate? Was it that person's essence? I ate a shit ton of poached fish, boiled

I LOVE Halloween. I go all out with fog machines, strobe lights, etc. It always makes me so sad that Halloween gets no love.

:) Way back when (pre-Corporations can have religious beliefs) I went to a Hobby Lobby looking for cute things to clip onto a Halloween wreath. I asked a clerk where they were and she said

Hobby Lobby doesnt "do"Halloween. They have "Fall" stuff.