
Dont the bathrooms have counter space? As a side note, the bars I have been to in Chicago, DC, Aruba, and most of Europe have a changing table. But that is the women's restroom. I dont know which you are using. The ones that dont have a changing table have counter space.

Im guessing you didnt see one of the lists included "changing the baby NOT in the bathroom, but somewhere where there wasnt a lot of people."

Oddly enough, and NEVER like how the real world is, the "rules" presented are not always applicable at every location!

Well if O'Reilly is right, it's because all those blacks just wont work hard enough. IF ONLY THEY UNDERSTOOD THAT YOU CAN DO IT!

Your parties sound like the best ever.

Oh agreed. It is 100% bullshit. I am of the mindset that people should always at the very least google if not look up rules and laws in the state they live in, especially with employment agreements. Of course not every state has an easy to use legal aid website.

There is no way this is enforceable. At least not in IL (the once I saw was for a store in Niles). The judges here already HATE non-compete clauses. And they have to be very tailored and narrow. While "Within x miles" and "10% of the revenue is from sandwiches" is narrow in a sense it is also incredibly broad since

Depends on the industry. Manufacturing company's customer list is much more likely to be a trade secret than a food delivery service's customer list.

Punitive Damages Jury Instructions for Illinios

As a Guardian ad Litem in Illinois, if I was ever appointed to represent a zygot I would just say "Fuck it. I am out of here."

"here's no punitive damages available in case like this and there are no consequential economic or noneconomic damages available in wrongful birth cases"

But you can bring the fairy back to life if you clap your hands!

That is what the complaint says. And apparently that happened because because they were too cheap to buy a computer, a printer and some freaking labels.

Wrongful birth cases are treated like medical malpractice in Illinois. You have to allege there was a duty of care, it was breached, there was injury and the injury was caused by the breach. Of course they can ask for punitive and non economic damages. Recently the IL Supreme Court even allowed for damages due to

No. Wrongful Birth lawsuits are basically a med mal case. You have to allege the doctor had a duty to provide you (in this case) the right sperm, the doctor failed to do that, the parents were harmed by that (normally you see a parent who now has more expenses for a special needs child, but in this case it is the

Because they have to show damages. Saying "this wasnt what I bought when I paid for the sperm" would get you a refund. Saying "I have all these new expenses" is how you end up with punitive damages which can really put the hurt on the clinic and maybe make them buy a computer system so they can print out a label. As

They do have to show damages. In this particular case, arguing your town in racist and you have to move is a pretty darn good way to show damages in a legal setting.

It is more than just shielding someone from intolerance. They are suing for breach of warranty.

Apparently much harder when you use ONLY pen and paper and no electronic system at ALL like this clinic did.

This is nowhere NEAR as good as some of the other ones I have read, but that is ok.