Oh. My. God. There is ALREADY a woman? I am amazed that the men havent all up and fled this CLEAR misogyny!
Oh. My. God. There is ALREADY a woman? I am amazed that the men havent all up and fled this CLEAR misogyny!
Apparently having to see a woman on your money is just too much to handle?
Cheese is the gift from heaven.
"I'm not a feminist bc my soft lady brain cannot handle all the thinking! Oh my I feel faint. Someone bring me a chaise lounge and smelling salts!"
But isnt there something EVER SO charming and old-world-ly about having to have a man speak for you? And not having to challenge your soft lady-brain with things like "Who will I vote for?"
I forgot about the new tackle form they are practicing. The "Punch in the Face" tackle.
I dont know if kids are getting dumber or just more callus. Did really no one at any point say "Hey you guys? If we put this on the internet think it will have a backlash? Kind of how those kids in Stubenville had?" Or did the whole group just say "RAPE IS SO FUNNY YOU GUYS!"
But are you using your Sexy Menace TM face?
I think I am going to try and master the "Menacing Sexy" face if it is going to make me a twelfth as talented as Ms. Davis.
As a side note, Dr. Bailey was and IS the best character on tv. Compassionate, with her own demons, expecting the best from others and herself, an incredible surgeon and doctor while still being a single mother!
What? Characters on a show can have more than one aspect that defines them? But how can I understand a show with complex characters? It is almost like you are trying to get me to think POC are PEOPLE.
Agreed. It is their job to judge the case, not the lawyer's appearance. But I am not going to say anything to them because then my client suffers for it and I lose work.
start with small scarfs. ;)
Of course in some counties I can wear pant suits. When I can I do. But many of the judges in Cook county are traditional. And WILL call you out for not dressing "appropriately for a female attorney."
Chicago summers are nothing but humid and hot. And wearing flats in courtrooms and deps is really not acceptable. I would swap a men's suit over pantyhose and skirt suits any day of the week.
cry me a river. Pantyhose and heels are my life.
My HS was a windowless box with no AC except the office. One floor. The difference between a tshirt and tank top was FELT in the heat.
Excuse me but I believe you meant "Thanks OBUMMER!"
It would be a glorious hill. Filled with all the chips in the land. Kettle cooked, ridges, nacho! But not that baked crap.