
Oh but didnt you hear? He is saying that they are totally NOT Russians. What? They are in Russian tanks? Must have stole them. The soldiers are saying "We are Russian soldiers on vacay" are full of lies and the paratroopers who were found there were mistaken because they thought they were on the Russian side.

The sad part is that facts or statistics dont matter if you are transphobic.

Why do our tax dollars go to anything we dont like? I dont approve of spending billions of dollars to create a prototype engine for a non-existent plane. I still pay my taxes. I dont approve of my tax dollars not being spent to ensure soldiers are properly armed and safe. I still pay my taxes. I dont approve of

I wonder how many times you are going to have to say "the VA is not involved in this."

Sending a check doesnt raise awareness (GOD that phrase is awful). Think about how many people (celebs included) who wouldnt have donated anything because they didnt know what ALS is.

All the celebs that I have seen do the Ice Bucket Challenge have donated too.

Well it is clear he wasnt shot in the back. But there is still the shot the went from back to front on the top of his head. I commented about it up thread with the coroner's report quoted.

The coroner also said it was consistent with someone who surrendered and was getting down.

Oh you are right! Among the dangerous weapons that would give an officer the right to kill a suspect are:

That is exactly what would have happened. It is such a fucking shame that most people dont realize that.

Close, but there WAS a shot from the back of the head (close to the top) that exited the right eye. That was a back to front shot.

First of all, the assault you are discussing is not a felony. It is a misdemeanor. You are not supposed to be shot for misdemeanors.

So how would he get shot inside his hand? His hands must have been open. Why are they open? Well witnesses claim he was saying dont shoot.

With his hands open and face out? Which is how he was shot through the palm?

What. The. Fuck? God I am 99% sure that everyone has attempted to "steal" something, even when they were children.

I would love to be able to do that too. Lots of face masks, gallons of milk, protective eyeware, water and basic first aid.

That is the sad fucking truth.

It happens at a young age. I'm half White and half Hispanic. I was told from a young age (around kindergarten I think) that because I look different than white people AND Hispanics I might be a target for teasing and as I got older for more serious issues.

Even if Wilson claims he personally saw Brown steal the cigarettes that does not mean Wilson had the right to kill Brown. The proper response is arresting him and questioning him and the convenience store cashier and witnesses! THAT IS IT! I cannot understand why people seem to think "Well he might have robbed a store

I was "in the grey" until someone released me from there