lol. I just feel so sad and alone down there with all the "HE GRABBED THE GUN! HE ROBBED PEOPLE! HE IS A THUG" idiots.
You cant argue Due Process with people who dont even know what amendment is comes from. Seriously. It is like talking to a wall with them.
Not all of up greys are fuck ups! we just arent approved yet :(
Victim blaming is almost worst when the victim cannot even defend themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE DEAD.
Dont forget the grenades. Stock up on those too.
Yup. Those are the only two rights. Due process and equality under the law. There is no right to raise your children in a manner you want. No right to spend your money on legal treatments. No right to decided if you will have a family and how it will be done. There is no right for you to determine if and when you want…
Nope again. If the government is not going to interfere who exactly do you think you are to tell a couple what to do with their time and money? And who ever said you "own" children? You are responsible for them and their well being. You are liable for them. You dont "own" them and you cant "trade them" like they were…
Apparently being a "test tube" baby makes you not as valuable is the children up for adoption. Also didnt you know? When you are told you are infertile you are also given a contract saying you MUST ADOPT AT ALL COSTS regardless of the emotional toll it would take or the financial toll or the years.
You literally have a right to children. The government is NOT ALLOWED to prevent you from having children unless it passes strict scrutiny.
I felt sorry for them too. But seeing them with their surrogate baby shows that they made the right decision. They are exceptional and loving parents who are raising a beautiful daughter.
Sorry forgot to mention, you can use an agency. They can range from a couple thousand to 10k. But you dont have to if you have a person who understands and is willing to be a surrogate. Adoption requires an agency.
The difference is this: Surrogacy is a GIVEN. There is no "take backs" and everyone knows what is going on. It is a contract. Up front is may LOOK more expensive, but lots of insurance companies cover the medical care. A small number will cover the implantation. The IVF transfer can run about $500 to $1000 dollars.…
A) True. But even in the cases where parents give up the child YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO CONFIRM IT (well your lawyer does). If a father is named, you also have to confirm with the father.
Wow. That is am amazing story. And your parents are very exceptional people. I agree with you that not everyone is equipped or able to do that.
When a parent gives up a child for adoption the state has a serious interest in ensuring the mother and father WANT that and it isnt someone coercing them into giving up their child. That is parental consent. What you are talking about, a child being taken away by CPS and becoming a ward of the state, is very…
You have not had proper watermelons. I refuse to believe that CRANBERRIES are better than watermelons.
*Shudder* I know. #GreatCranberrySauceDebacleof12
If the "abuse" republicans are worried about gets more babies more diapers, I am totally ok with that.
I smiled so hard reading this! THANK YOU! Everyone seems to think it will take what? A few weeks at most? I have clients who have been waiting for years and it gets hard. Open adoption is a challenge of it's own and it is nice that someone acknowledges that!