
oh dear lord lol well played

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

You should be aware that Simmons can’t really make a statement until the company, as a whole, responds to the request. Making any statement about the union’s request for recognition could be a potential unfair labor practice, particularly if any part of that statement could be construed as an attempt to interfere with

Probably not true for the 17 people at the Marlins game.

If Buttigieg ends up the nominee or the VP nominee or even runs for senate or governor, I can easily see some right wing attack machines using Peck as a shield to scare voters by claiming that Buttigieg must be sexually promiscuous, all gay men are. And then hide behind Peck’s skirts when called “homophobic”.

JFK and Bill Clinton managed to do the job while juggling plenty of extramarial sexual relationships. With women.

I found this piece to be problematic (Peck’s piece) precisely because it relied on some old stereotypes that gay men have fought for a long time, and because it seemed to paint all gay men with the same brush. The idea that all gay men are sexually promiscuous can be very damaging and does not apply to everyone in the

The snitty comment about his age when he came out is particularly bad, I think.

Thanks for articulating this in a way I couldn’t. Super cool to be felt like an outsider all of your life in the straight world, but even cooler to enter the gay community and then be derided because you’re not the “right type of gay”.

I am so tired of this “it took him 33 years to come out.” Are gays supposed to come out the moment they are born? Jesus Christ this is so fucking stupid.

Thanks for the perspective, but you really don’t think that a historically progressive magazine like The New Republic publishing an article that argues that because a gay politician came out relatively later in life than the current norm, he won’t be able to focus on his job because he’ll be too busy exploring his

All of this.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

This. It’s like if a black man wrote an essay about Obama and heavily implied he wasn’t a real black man because he never joined a gang or smoked crack. It’s literally criticizing the man for not embodying stereotypes.

Well this gay man found parts of the article to be quite homophobic. Calling a gay man “Mary” in an attempt to degrade and belittle him is pretty textbook homophobia.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

OK, I’ll be that guy—is the positive reception Ray Ratto’s articles have gained around here mystifying to anyone else or is it just me?

bruh... Danny Green will start ahead of KCP

This is episode is one of the best, and by far the weirdest of the series so far. Barry’s lack of people skills is hilarious. What did he really expect Ronny’s reaction to be, “Yeah, sure man. Thanks for the heads up. Let me grab a bag?”

“Little girl! Hey I don't mean to sound like a creep, but would you get in the car with me and my buddy? I've got Corn Nuts."