
You don’t find it interesting that a guy who is extremely outwardly and publicly confident — and rightly so, given his amazing talents — about literally all other things in his life is yet somehow so outwardly and publicly insecure about this one (completely trivial by comparison) thing about his life? You’re no fun.

Right. Can the man just admit he’s balding and stop fucking with this implants crap? His hairline moves around several inches on his head throughout the season. Its hideous and we all can tell anyway.

I think the market for Smart is going to be smaller than many people think. He’s such a horrific shooter and generally erratic offensive player that a lot of teams are going to be scared away from offering him a big longterm deal. He only really works as a role player in the context of an otherwise highly disciplined

I think that is a legitimate Warriors/Rockets contending team. I really really hope Ainge keeps that team together instead of blowing it up again this summer.

Exactly. No offense to Al Horford, who is great in his own low key way, but with Kyrie injured the two unquestionably best players on the floor were both on the Bucks — Middleton and Giannis. And they looked like it in almost every game. Both were virtually unstoppable offensively for long stretches of the series.

Why would the average fan watch game 79 of the regular season between 2 teams with losing records? That’s the status quo.

I like my round-robin proposal below the most.

This is (a) false (the ratings for the NBA Playoffs are pretty good actually); (b) mostly besides the point.

And it would be super fun to watch.

I know Bill Simmons has lots of flaws. But his suggestion of a round-robin tournament among the bottom half of the league as the first round of the playoffs is still a really interesting one, and might change a lot of these incentives.

And when the dust clears they’ll all try to cash in on long careers as talking heads. And CNN and the like will take them seriously and treat them as if they are credible, sage commentators.

Also, its more than a little disgusting that rather than coming out and forthrightly telling important information like this to the people, he waited until he could package his revelations into a profitable book deal that he could make a lot of money off of. If he really has a “higher loyalty” and trump is as

This is... not funny. -1

So are we ok with rapists or not? I’m confused.

What I don’t understand about this conversation is that people seem to be taking stances of the form: “Killmonger does/doesn’t reaffirm my politics, therefore the movie is good/bad.” This is stupid.

Yeah. I felt completely flabbergasted when I read this.

I’m not sure what MSU’s governance structure is, but if it’s the same as UM’s the answer is no. UM is a state school in no more than name only. Its really a quasi-independent entity over which the state legislature has no actual authority beyond appropriating a small % of its budget. Its run by a separately and


Indeed. Lesson learned.

So, you’re proud of supporting racist, reactionary efforts to block the desegregation of schools and provide better opportunities to minorities in one of America’s most racist cities? Got it.