
If not unsourced, then biased, as first-hand accounts tend to be. I mean, if we’re taking first-hand accounts as the absolute gospel, then first-hand accounts from Arneson’s supporters are equally valid, yes?

Most people in the country don’t even understand the theoretical point of bail anyways: to ensure that people show up to court.

Nobody will come out and say it, they’ll just have an ad where a black man in a hoodie stalks a white woman and her child while a narrator goes on and on about violent criminals being released back on the street.

There’s a long-standing literary tradition in the story not being in what happens, but how it happens. Read any of Shakespeare’s plays—they all pretty much begin with a narrator telling you what’s going to happen to the main character(s).

You can’t make this about intelligence. They’ll just say something about elitism and being disconnected from real Americans and honest, hard-working people.

No definitive source I can cite, but I have had exchanges with people who have been in the gaming industry longer than I’ve been alive and had dealings with Gygax and TSR; gaming, especially the sub-culture that is RPGs, was a fairly small world back in the early days of D&D. The Gen Con story I related was of a

My former employer actually preferred paying you to having you take time off. There was once an employee who had not taken more than two consecutive days off in a year for the ten years they had been working there, so she had a ridiculous amount of time saved up. She requested two weeks and was told that she could

Just curious: what kind of leave, if any, do you get during the academic year?

Keep the words to a minimum because they stop listening after seven seconds

It’s happened to me TWICE.

I guess that’s one of my flaws I need to work on. :-)

Good point. Bill Finger is the better analogy.

Yet another guy takes to the Internet and crusades against feminism because he got dumped.

Um, no. I can think of 19 reasons why women won’t date you. Feminism is not on that list.

In B4 “but some of those are shotguns!!#!”

Pretty much. The Jack Kirby too, while we’re at it.

It really disappoints me that there isn’t more out there about Dave Arneson. I’m no expert on the history of D&D by any means, but from what I do know Arneson was far more than just a “rules guy;” he laid the foundation for the very concept of D&D before even meeting Gygax. When they did meet, Gygax was basically

Thanks! And starred because you’re exactly right: it’s all marketing. Everybody wants to prop their book up as the next big thing. Citing your book (either in traditional publishing or the comics industry) as being on this or that bestseller list is a way to tell people that if they want to be in on the latest trend,

I’m going to try and be very careful in how I say this, as it could very easily be interpreted as me saying that poor white people in the Civil War-era South had it just as bad as black people, and that is in NO WAY what I’m trying to say. Anybody whose life wasn’t bought and sold for profit would never have it harder

Why was Yates’ refusal to defend an unconstitutional executive order even brought up in an inquiry about Russian interference in the election?