
Well, yeah, but if he had more financial resources I’m sure even that grizzled old walking country song would at least spring for an AC system.

The problem is that it would be hard to aggregate sales data from every retailer. Larger, more successful shops have electronic point-of-sales system that scan the barcode of every book sold and reports that information back to Diamond. However, smaller shops may still be used old-fashioned cash registers (my shop was

At least the NYT bestseller list is; it’s based on how many copies are moved by distributors, not sales off the rack at book stores nationwide.

I’m sorry, you said mofongo and I was immediately distracted.

Excellent job on handling this so quickly and efficiently! I agree that OhNickel handled it very professionally and I do hope his good press overwhelms the bad, considering he never deserved the bad to begin with. I also hope that a sufficient number of people will have seen the outcome, actively apologize for

So let me get this straight: we can appoint corporate representatives to have a say when it comes to environmental regulations that would affect their bottom line but we can’t appoint women to have a say when it comes to reproductive health and screening for cancer.

What’s really sad is that even though this scam was exposed almost as soon as it happened, there will still be people repeating this narrative over and over again and OhNickel will be harassed about it for at least the foreseeable future. Either because they don’t care to go back to the thread and read any updates or

I couldn’t help but think that the doctor asking Shadow if he had been shot at was an extension of the show’s racial commentary. Would the doctor had asked that of a white patient who showed up all beat up and bloody? If so, it was very subtle but spoke volumes.

Oh, I see. You’re one of them high-falutin’ types, bless your heart.

That statement is completely inaccurate and not representative of the South at all.

True, sometimes people do lie about their identity, and when national security is a concern, it is better to be safe than sorry.

We need a Netflix Moon Knight series, and we need the hallway fight from issue #5 of the recent Warren Ellis run to be realized in live-action.

Now the Top Gun theme is stuck in my head. Thanks.

That’s only sea otters. River otters haven’t been known to exhibit such behavior. They’re still vicious little creatures, though.

You do know that there are overweight—even obese—vegetarians, right? Lots of high-fat, high-calorie food is vegetarian. Most junk food is vegetarian. Beans are high in carbs, including sugar. Salad dresses, sauces, cheese, and butter are almost always vegetarian.

If you walk there and back, you could justify eating like, five of the pork belly sandwiches.

I’ve had the pork belly/brisket/turkey sandwich, and I would not recommend it and don’t blame you for not eating it. The other meats distract from the melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness of the pork belly.

It’s not the method, it’s the exaggeration. They would say “a million” and mean it, like they wanted to deal you 1 million damage just because they can.

D’oh. I completely overlooked where it gave the creature haste.

Wouldn’t this be even more OP than Splinter Twin though? With Splinter Twin, even if the enchanted creature had haste, you still had to tap it to create the copy, then tap the copy to create another copy, and so on. All the copies would be exiled at the next end step, so it’s not like you could just wait around for