
That is beautiful.

Is it wrong that I never, at any point in this story’s development, had any sympathy whatsoever for the frat? I mean, yes, I understand that fraudulent journalism is harmful. In this case, it’s specifically harmful to an already marginalized group: rape victims who aren’t taken seriously. As others have stated, this

Bride of Frankenstein in February of 2019? That’s a LONG gap for shared universe movies. Most moviegoers will have completely forgotten this film by then, much less that it set up a shared universe.

I don’t know which church or religious community you speak of, but I’m well aware that their practice is increasingly the norm. This angers me. Christianity is supposed to be about love and compassion, not condemnation. Churches should build families, not tear them apart. They should accept all without judgment, and

I’m sorry you’ve suffered needlessly. You don’t deserve that. There’s no excuse for it and nobody should attempt to apologize for it. Even if there are churches (entire denominations in fact) that welcome LGBT members and even clergy, I understand that’s no comfort and no recompense for what you’ve had to endure. I’m

Thank you.

When I hear “discriminatory private social club,” I think of somewhere that:

I’d be okay with something like that.

I bought an old NES from a pawn shop a couple of years ago. It didn’t play any cartridges, so I ended up doing some repair work on it. I took it apart and cleaned the contacts; when that didn’t work, I bought a new pin adapter and replaced the old one.

Thank you. We’re going to try again, and adoption is (and always has been) on the table. We just really want to be parents.

Thank you. I’ll pass the word along about the Reddit group.

I apologize in advance if this story is out of place here. I feel like it’s relevant, as it makes me even more supportive of women who are cut-off from reproductive care options.

Yeah. I’m thinking it’s more likely that their heads exploded.

I understand your logic, but to a person or organization of faith, “fulfilling a religious obligation” is an awfully big umbrella, and if you’re not going to extend the benefits to them that others get for doing the same thing(s) without any religious conviction attached, then you’re approaching a point where you’re pu

Pretty much this.


The cynical part of me—which is the larger part—is saying he knew exactly what he was doing and slit his wrist in such a way that he wouldn’t bleed out immediately. If you cut horizontally, there’s a greater chance you can be saved; even more so if you don’t cut very deep.

With all due respect, Walken is not a Chris. He’s a Christopher. That puts him in a class all of his own.

Given that many (probably most, but I haven’t done the research) actually do some kind of community service and outreach and don’t discriminate based on faith (for example, doing food drives for students in low-income communities so they have food for the weekend), I’m actually okay with churches being tax exempt AS

That was one of the most mind-blowing game play experiences I’ve ever had.