

The policy extends to all staff, regardless of official designation.

Instructional support staff.

Where I work, we’re allowed to use physical restraint to prevent a fight or for self-defense, but only in the form a bear-hug.

By inserting myself in their exchange, both physically (by moving between the students) and verbally (with a firm command for them to cease and desist). Before doing so, I would contact an administrator or ask another teacher to, at least, and report the incident to them. Should the students persist even with my

I broke up a fight between two students before. I approached the closest student from behind and physically restrained him, pinning his arms to his side, and backed up against a wall to pull him away from the other student (just to be clear: I made contact with the wall, not the student). When the other student was a

Pimento cheese and bacon on potato bread. It’s best if you layer the bacon between pimento cheese spread on two slices of bread. Then, grill it in a buttered skillet until golden brown on both sides.

The name “Siegebreaker” sounds suspiciously like something associated with white supremacy.

The fact that it bars transgender people from using the bathroom of their choice is just the tip of this flaming hell of an iceberg. The bill prohibits anyone over the age of seven from using the bathroom of the opposite “biological sex.”

On-again, off-again, who knows-again, red fish, blue fish, one fish, two fish...

With the classiest, finest weapons in some of the richest, most fertile landscape on the planet. We’re going to put in a five-star restaurant and a bar and a golf course. It’ll be the best Hunger Games that money can buy. You won’t find a better Hunger Games, because Trump only puts his name on the best!

I’m older than Henry Cavill, and am only 1/100th as handsome and 1/1000th as rich.

Exponentially, even.

Judging from the artwork in that superhero book, I’m going to guess that it’s very old, late ‘70s-early ‘80s if not earlier. That doesn’t excuse the casual sexism of the content—after all, it’s those attitudes that we’ve hoped to have moved past—but that does at least explain why it’s there. I would hope a more

There are only three ways that kid got hold of the gun.

A demo is a portion of the game intended to display its core mechanics and presentation, so that the end user knows what to anticipate and can make an informed purchasing decision. The publisher defines the extent to which the end product will be previewed.

Late to the party that is this discussion, but I feel I have to chime in.

I had started typing a post, then decided to cancel it because I was having trouble articulating what I was trying to say, but apparently the cancel button isn't working. Thus, I have no choice but to just leave this filler text here. My apologies.

For me, it’s not the fact it won a GOTY award. I didn’t expect The Witcher 3 to win every single GOTY award there was out there after all. The fact that it didn’t win the DICE GOTY, which is a fairly prestigious designation, is what shocks me.

This show sounds great for those who don’t have the Internet.