
And you truly are a genius.

You monster.

Speaking as a big guy who has flown with some frequency: I get it, fat’s gross. It’s especially gross when it’s attached to somebody else and touching you. No one knows this better than the fat person who has to look at themselves in the mirror every day, and I am well aware it’s 100% my fault that I’m fat and you

If this guy was making them and selling them under-the-table, yes, that would be very scary indeed. Or, if inspired by this craftsman, people started making their own guns using 3D printers expressly for nefarious purposes, then that would be equally terrifying.

Your theory would justify Kylo's reaction to hearing a girl helped BB-8 and Finn escape. I think I subscribe to this.


Ya know, I have never actually heard that before, but I'm adding it to my list as a "highly plausible."

Jokes, even dark ones, usually have a punch line. If that was joke, you’re keeping us all in suspense.

Sweet Hell, what terrible childhood tragedy turned you into this monster?

I didn’t even see Seventh Son and it was a disappointment. The book series it was based on, The Spook’s Apprentice (The Last Apprentice here in the states) is a spooky, mystical, low-key story of a world-weary man with a necessary but disrespected profession training a young man to take up the job, with the full

Between paying for six tickets for myself, two for my wife, and one each for her niece and a friend of mine, I’ve spent $87.50 on tickets just by myself.

Unfortunately, I have to ask: would the 70mm anamorphic showings been as profitable if they weren’t a Tarantino film?


I am so envious that you got to see the Roadshow edition. I mean, even going to a regular theater to see it felt like an event, but seeing the Roadshow would have been amazing.

*nerd glasses*

I’m okay with 99% of this. I actually read the entire fact sheet on the White House’s official website. I was concerned over what constituted being banned from purchasing a firearm due to mental illness; I’m on meds for depression and anxiety, so does that disqualify me? In the past, I was on Prozac, but I experienced

My best friend’s little brother wanted to go see the Pokémon movie, but wasn’t allowed to go by himself. Not wanting to suffer in solitude, my friend called me up and asked if I would go. His parents were willing to pay for all three of us. There was only one catch: we couldn’t leave the theater.

No, no, no, my friend. If you’re asking yourself that question, you’re doing everything just right. Let no one tell you different.

His Force sensitivity could also be why he has a conscience. He feels the fear and pain of the villagers, and is overwhelmed by it.

I did not, but I’m seeing it again today. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out.