
Ya know, they could have just skipped from Rey saying goodbye to Finn to them arriving and finding Luke. That would have been pretty much perfect.

I see. It would take them a while to get there. Plenty of time for contemplation. I like to think something like that was the original plan, and they scrapped it in favor for what they did because if Luke wasn’t on-screen at least once the fans would riot.

That...might work.


That bothered me too, and was the only part that had me saying, “Okay, what the Hell?” during the movie. Everything else that I noticed wrong wasn’t apparent until I really thought about it later, but when she was taking the shields down I was just shaking my head because it made NO SENSE.

I agree in that the perfect ending would be them flying off to find Luke. Everything after that felt like a post-credits scene, or even the first scene from the next movie.

His hair truly was magnificent.

The only problem with that is that Kylo Ren has been training with him (Snoke mentions completing his training at the end of the film). So, unless Kylo Ren (and at least a few high-ranking First Order officers) are in on the joke, I think he really does look like that.

-The reveal of Kylo Renn’s parentage like, near the beginning of the movie. For me this could have waited until later. It just felt oddly placed. Not sure where they could have put that though without feeling like a direct rip off of Episode V.

From a technical standpoint, it was probably the best scene in the movie.

But why Jakku, and a life of what appears to be forced labor (one thing the movie didn't do very well is explain exactly what's going on; everybody works for food, but they don't appear to be enslaved, so....?).

Obi-Wan did, at one point, have a romantic relationship. It's possible she could be a descendant of his.

Good point. You're right, it wouldn't be a twist.

After the “what girl?” exchange and up through the reveal of Han being Kylo Ren’s father, I thought that Kylo Ren and Rey were siblings. But, later, Han recognizes Kylo Ren, so it would stand to reason that he would probably know who his daughter was (unless both he and Leia were fully committed to playing dumb).

So I've typed up a Google doc answering every single one of these questions. How much will I be hated if I pasted the whole thing as a reply?

Return of the Jedi was actually my first Star Wars film. I was very young when I saw it on TV. My aunt worked at a video store, and I saw the VHS for sale. The cover captured my imagination, and I begged my mom to buy it. She did, thanks to my aunt’s discount, and when I saw the ads for the other movies my head



Fandom is like a small child who loves a puppy so much they hug it until they unintentionally crush it.

I’ve only ever marathoned the series in chronological order. I debated trying the Machete order when I watched them this weekend, but decided against it. I wanted to have a proper marathon, with all six movies, in the order they were intended to be seen in.