

Ya know, I have never actually heard that before, but I'm adding it to my list as a "highly plausible."

Jokes, even dark ones, usually have a punch line. If that was joke, you’re keeping us all in suspense.

Sweet Hell, what terrible childhood tragedy turned you into this monster?

I’m okay with 99% of this. I actually read the entire fact sheet on the White House’s official website. I was concerned over what constituted being banned from purchasing a firearm due to mental illness; I’m on meds for depression and anxiety, so does that disqualify me? In the past, I was on Prozac, but I experienced

So I've typed up a Google doc answering every single one of these questions. How much will I be hated if I pasted the whole thing as a reply?

I’ve only ever marathoned the series in chronological order. I debated trying the Machete order when I watched them this weekend, but decided against it. I wanted to have a proper marathon, with all six movies, in the order they were intended to be seen in.

Objectively. He keeps using that word. It doesn’t mean what he thinks it means.

So what happens after the ethics complaint is filed? Does the ethic committee just look at it, nod, and say "duly noted" or there is a chance that this guy will face actual penalties?

Any one of the following arcade cabinets: Space Invaders, Star Wars (1977), Final Fight, Mortal Kombat II, X-Men (1992), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the new Batman arcade game, Star Wars Battle Pod, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Silent Scope (either one).

You know that there are lots and lots of popular and beloved sci-fi/action/adventure movies that aren’t Star Wars, right?

A creative person doesn’t have to protect the audience e from being offended, but the audience doesn’t have to spare the creative person criticism either.

The problem comes in the reveal, however. They see that it’s really a dude wearing a dress. Are they just shocked and surprised, or disgusted? Do they feel embarrassed that they got it all wrong, or do they feel somehow tainted by it? The answers to these questions is what can muddle the creator’s intent.

Opinions. People have them. Deal with it.

I’m legitimately surprised they didn’t change the title to Z Devil’s Third so it would be even more bottom-of-the-list than it is.

So, let me get this straight: having a beard and denouncing Islamophobia makes you a Muslim, but being white and flying the Confederate flag does NOT make you racist?

I’ll be damned.

Thought you were saying that they shouldn’t receive funding based merely on the idea that they’re religious/private. My mistake for misreading.

I’m not sure if I agree with you about private schools not receiving public funds. That establishes a dangerous precedence, as many private non-profits receive federal funds (public libraries, museums, and—for at least the time being—Planned Parenthood). Granted, those institutions don’t discriminate based on sexual

Couldn't resist, but thanks for the heads up. :-)