
Yes, it is an argument. Just because the creator put it in there to make you uncomfortable doesn’t mean you have to like it, and it doesn’t mean that the creator doesn’t have to deal with consequences and repercussions of the audience not liking it.

You obviously don't know many "true fans" or "purists."

That’s what I was thinking. Thanks!

“We want to establish a theocracy where our chosen sacred text holds primacy over our founding governmental doctrine, and no law can be passed that conflicts with this text’s theological teachings. Those of other faiths, or who abstain from worship of any kind, will hold little or no civil rights as they will not be

I’m okay with this.

I got a Wii U back in January, and while I still do 90% of my gaming on the PC, I really love it. Splatoon was the best shooter I’ve played since Titanfall, and remains probably the most balanced and just plain fun competitive multiplayer game out there. Super Mario Maker wasn’t as deep and thorough of a level editor

Do you clear your history upon exiting your browser? If so, that might be why.

I think they could order through the client.

Could be wrong. I just kind of go through on auto-pilot at this point, when I order stuff.

Someone cracks your password, then changes it. Now they have access to your whole account. They can download your purchases and make new ones as well, on your dime.

If you log in from a new device—either through the client or website—Valve won't let you continue until you put in a code they sent you via e-mail. If you get this e-mail and didn't attempt a log-in, someone is obviously attempting a hack.

I have a very intelligent friend who shares articles from very intelligent sources on Facebook that discuss and analyze why Trump isn't going to win. At first, I envied his optimism, but I don't think even he is optimistic anymore. I think he's just begging for our lives at this point.

Ya know, without even looking at this video, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that all of these people are white.

I’m a gun owner, but I like to think I’m a rational and logical one, one that is willing to have a conversation about practical, enforceable measures to better regulate the access to firearms in this country so as to help curb gun violence, which is a very real and true problem. I don’t equate my gun collection with

I'm trying to adapt a more moderate, healthy diet myself. For example, I've only had three Chicken, Bacon, and Swiss with egg biscuits form Hardee's this week.

I bet you're lots of fun at parties.

Cool, well, in that case, you've pretty much read my mind. :-)

Yes, and yes.

Not sure what you’re trying to say about student athletes getting free educations. Sounds like you are saying that colleges are selling these athletes false hopes just so they can dangle free education in front of them, only for the student to attend the school and pursue a degree that is of a secondary concern to

I didn’t get a driver’s license until I was 29 years old. My issues were anxiety. I would have panic attacks behind the wheel, because human beings with driver’s license are psychotic death cultists in a rush to end both their lives and the lives of others. I relied on friends and family to get me where I had to go,

Eventually we’ll just have a Revised Godwin’s Law, where Hitler is replaced by Trump.