
Stop insulting those of us who have lost all self-respect and have very little left to live for. For us, this is not a nightmare; this is a dream, and the only frightening thing about it is that we must eventually wake up from it.

I bet you think eating chicken with eggs is horrible as well.

I have noticed my reflexes have taken a hit. I’ve always loved playing FPS and fighting games, and have always had a competitive streak. Unfortunately, while I could hold my own in my teens and twenties, I now get ROFL stomped by a bunch of pizza-faced brats whose mommies do their homework for them so they can play

Or, they could take some of those sweet winnings and pursue a proper education. There's always "something to fall back on."

Basically, except I hadn’t won millions of dollars in prize money for video game tournaments and known what it was like to have a dream job for even one second before I had entered college.

But at least the people working at McDonald’s are actually earning an income instead of hedging all of their bets on how skilled they are at playing a game (and I’m including physical sports in this; sports are games).

I’m not disagreeing with you in the least, mind you. If I had my way, every school in America would

Let me guess: whenever you try to explain to one of our Sage Elders that you can’t pursue a “real job” because you don’t have car, their answer is, “Well, get a car then!”

Pretty much everyone born from 1980 on was fed this line of thinking that if we got good grades, worked hard, applied ourselves, and “followed our dreams” whatever the blue hell that means, that we’d live happy and fulfilled lives with financial stability and meaningful experiences.

Yeah they’re young, yeah they’ll bounce back, but it still must be quietly devastating when you realize that it’s time for plan B. A new passion. A college degree. A normal life.

There’s nothing wrong with teaching your kids some basic self-defense skills.

Then: several fans expressing frustration and disappointment at not being able to play as one of their favorite characters when the marketing for the game had promised it, but being able to appreciate the narrative twist; some especially passionate (obsessed?) fans writing the game off as a complete failure simply for

I’m not sure if you’re comparing Trump, Cheney, or both to Darth Vader, but please don’t compare either of them. That’s an insult to Darth Vader.

May you have a blessed and happy Christmas, and may you take this joyous time as an opportunity to ask forgiveness of all your sins, such as betrayal.

Ya know, here’s something I don’t get.

In the state of North Carolina, the list of places that you can’t carry a firearm, even with a concealed carry permit, unless you’re on-duty military or law enforcement is significantly longer than the places you can.

You are my hero, and all I want to be in life.

I just don’t see the point in this.

Thanks for pointing me in their direction. I actually didn’t realize that they had a formal organization. I like the fact that they have solutions and not just say “we need common sense gun laws” without saying what those laws are. And, on top of that, I like their solutions.

It’s the fact that private sales don’t that’s referred to as the “gun show loophole.” Granted, no private sales require a background check—gun show or not—but the idea is that this transactions most often occur at a gun show.

Yeah, somebody pointed this out to me another thread. I honestly thought there was. There should be.

Maybe after we start that politically moderate analog to the NRA that I talked about in another thread. That could be our first goal.

Admittedly, I know very little about the whole pricing process when it comes to insurance, so I’m only speaking from the perspective of somebody who would have to purchase this insurance. So, let me ask you this: is there a way that a gun owner could be charged additional fees to help shape how the gun is used?