
I would have liked to have seen a cheaper bundle without the base game, but sometimes you just have to eat the cost. I don’t feel like I’m being exploited considering that I’ve been playing this game for two years with no subscription fees and constant content updates. They’re essentially charging you $50 for what

I was fired for walking out on my job. Of course, the reason I walked out was because I was being harassed by a customer and was on the verge of an anxiety attack (it was already starting and was approaching full blown chest-pains-blurry-vision). I even told an administrator I was leaving, to which they responded

Getting called to help on the sales floor brightens my day by making me feel useful and helps me show that I’m willing to put in the same hard work I demand from my staff.

Thanks for including my story!

I just can’t imagine myself not being so hungry or thirsty as to hit the pause button and just eat something and grab a bottle of whatever to sit beside me.

For years I refused to accept the image of feathered dinosaurs. I knew (and, because I’m a logical human being) accepted the science, but when visualizing dinosaurs I elected to leave off the feathers. It’s the image I grew up with and frankly, found it a giant reptile much scarier than a giant bird.

My favorite Christopher Lee story:

I would actually believe those numbers.

Unfortunately, this is true, and given that bullying is hard to prove unless the bully is caught in the act, it leaves the bullied with little recourse. The best I can tell you is that students who fight or otherwise assault other students are charged, since they are committing a crime, and a real generally removed

You’ve probably already read them: the haunted Majora’s Mask cartridge and the haunted Spongebob episode.

I actually thought about Power Rangers, but honestly that could fill its own game of this kind, which would be even more awesome, so I kind of hope we see that instead.

This reads like the most disturbing creepypasta I had ever read.

I’m a school librarian who also gives supplementary instruction.

Hadn’t watched the trailer, will as soon as I’m off work.

I doubt that Transformers is one, if Activision still has dibs on the license. It might be TMNT, but you would have to have the good guys and bad guys team up to have a true army (which I suspect might be the case for He-Man as well). Would it be too much to hope for Silverhawks? Thundercats?

Heh, don’t feel bad. I’ve heard tail end of Gen Y as well. :-)

I’m a public educator. Can’t help it.

I’ve seen both tail end of Gen X and tip end of Gen Y. I don’t know who decided that we grew up with similar/the same social and cultural conditions as people born in 1995.

Six minutes? Wow, your family splurged on high speed Internet!

It’s only considered self-defense if you do not have the option of escape. So, if someone punches you in the face and you can run away from them, you’re expected to. If they back you into a corner and/or you are being restrained, you can physically engage them until such a point that you can escape, then you’re