
I’ve seen both tail end of Gen X and tip end of Gen Y. I don’t know who decided that we grew up with similar/the same social and cultural conditions as people born in 1995.

Six minutes? Wow, your family splurged on high speed Internet!

It’s only considered self-defense if you do not have the option of escape. So, if someone punches you in the face and you can run away from them, you’re expected to. If they back you into a corner and/or you are being restrained, you can physically engage them until such a point that you can escape, then you’re



I know. It is amazing what that bit of extra fabric costs.

All I’m saying is he managed to find a shirt 2 sizes too small. So, he obviously knows where to find smaller clothes.

That was awesome! Thanks for writing that.

Well, I’m not a Big & Tall clothing model, if that answers your question.

Perhaps you should shop where this guy buys his clothes.

All I was getting at was that they probably would have given a more vague and non-committal answer had they been expecting the question, but yeah, equally possible that what you said is 100% the truth.

So “gaming-themed apparel” is is basically clothing for people who never get up and walk around?

Unless you like plaid. Seriously. Go into any Big & Tall section. Literally ANY of them.

I don’t understand the whole 4XL and 5XL thing.

My best friend and I participated in Extra Life last year. We ended up raising $300 for Duke’s Children’s Hospital. We were very proud of ourselves, and we’re doing it again next year. We set up at my house so we could keep each other company. We started at 9:00 AM and went straight through to the next day.

I have seen a precious few give-aways that included womens’ sizes, mostly at conventions and professional conferences. Of course, we won’t even talk about how widely the sizes for womens’ clothing vary, so I can only imagine what it’s like to be a female fan.

YES. Thank you.

Not that I’m rushing to his defense, but it’s possible that they were just caught off guard by being asked about the Duggars.

Or, you know, it’s apparel for people who really like video games.

DeathBlood X is a reboot of the series, launched shortly after the Bloody Legacy of DeathBlood Collection of Death, a next-gen re-release of the entire DeathBlood series to that point. It has developer commentary, a new level, and a new cut scene.