
You could start a new fashion trend.

Even if you had gotten one in 2XL, you still probably wouldn’t have been able to wear it. You see, XL is fairly standard; most shirt companies cut them to about the same size. Once you past that, however, it’s a crap shoot. Some apparel companies do the reasonable thing and size their 2X at twice the size of an XL, 3X

This is completely unrealistic. Promotional t-shirts are never given away at any size above 2XL. As a professional fat dude, I’m well aware of this.

If she gets an allowance, suspend that.

I don’t understand how failing a drug test is a First Amendment issue.

I have never heard anything but negative things about him. I mean, he was so anti-gay rights that Dan Savage held a contest to have his name defined as a sex term. Shows how much I know about politics.

“If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman. My responsibility as a human being is to love and accept everybody. Not to criticize people for who they are.”

Starred for the slight against Daniel Bryan. Seriously, he’s a nice guy and if him being a star wrestler means kids have a hero to look up to, then I can look past this but: he’s not that great of a wrestler.

This looks very cool. However, my wife has yet to forgive for the first time I played Five Nights at Freddy’s. She may divorce me if I play this game with her around.

I’m not even going to watch the video. I’m going to wait until the next time I play, then go do this just for the experience.

Late to the party, but I started posting clips of my Witcher 3 playthough (I wouldn’t really call them Let’s Play videos) as my first foray into YouTube’s gaming sphere.

I can actually buy that he doesn’t want to hang Obama due to his being black but due to what he perceives Obama’s political policies to be—no, I’m not defending this man, because it’s 100% likely that he is lying, or is generally racist but doesn’t recognize it because to him his beliefs are perfectly sound and

Talk to a school guidance counselor and see if they can arrange some therapy sessions to discuss her behavior and why she is acting out in such a way.

The Duggar family has gone to great lengths to dismiss Josh’s actions as the ultimately harmless acts of a curious minor. Fondling a child while they are sleeping is a little more than that. We’d like to see them actually admit that and stop with all this “Yes, but—” backpedaling. It’s also bothersome that, again, the

And, just in case you’re talking specifically about the Duggars (not saying you are—but just in case), the discussion over that instance is how it was handled then, how it is being excused now, and the kind of culture and family dynamic that makes both of those possible.

There is a magnitude of difference between publicly discussing the transgressions of a legal, consenting adult who has knowingly thrust themselves in the public eye as a way of seeking accountability and/or exposing hypocrisy and publicly shaming a young person who is still in a chaotic phase of emotional and mental

I was assuming that you were familiar with the concept of personhood. Obviously, my mistake.

Cutting the kid’s hair might have been perfectly reasonable.

That would be bad form and you know it.

I once worked at a public library, and for a brief time we were the site of some physical altercations (and I do mean brief; this was like, three fights over a six week time period, all involving high school students, and there has not been an altercation there in years—do not fear your public library, people).